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更新时间:2025-03-17 09:58:06


英 [ˈdeɪtɪd]

美 [ˈdetɪd]


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副词: datedly 名词: datedness

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1. marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past

1. 过时的;落伍的;不时兴的
Dated things seem old-fashioned, although they may once have been fashionable or modern.

e.g. ...people in dated dinner-jackets.

1. 过时:它注明日期(dates它陈旧过时(dated). 它是最为通行的(current),没有什么比它更流行了,但它已经在回溯(dates back). 而这种通用性(currentness),显示出熟悉、令人不安的皱纹(wrinkle),慎重而无情,某种时序倒错(anachrony)的红斑(stigmata),

2. dated的意思

2. 有日期的:dateable 确定时代的 | dated 有日期的 | dateless 无期限的

3. dated的翻译

3. 注......日期:dated 证明日期的注......日期 | dated 注......日期 | datedrawn 采样日期

4. 证明日期的注......日期:dated 证明日期的 | dated 证明日期的注......日期 | dated 注......日期

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It's a bit dated.(它有点过时了。)
The next afternoon Sara spoke to a few of her teammates, two of which I had previously dated.(第二天下午,萨拉和几个队友谈了话,其中两个是我之前约会过的。)
He and I dated for over a year, and when we broke up, I thought my angsty heart was going to spit itself right up out of my sore throat.(他和我约会了一年多,在我们分手的时候,我想我那颗难过的心快要从我疼痛的喉咙里吐出来了。)
These rocks have been dated radiometrically at two billion years old.(经辐射能探测,这些岩石形成于20亿年前。)
These minerals can be dated by radioactive decay techniques because of the very small quantities of radioactive trace elements they, in turn, contain.(这些矿物可以用放射性衰变技术测定年代,因为它们所含的放射性微量元素非常少。)
The codicil must first be signed and dated by you in the presence of two witnesses.(该遗嘱附件必须首先由你当着两个连署人的面签名并写上日期。)
Yet there is a central aspect of Douglass's thought that seems not in the least bit dated or irrelevant to current concerns.(然而,道格拉斯思想的一个中心方面似乎与目前的担忧至少有些过时或无关。)
The content and format of explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific researcher.(解释的内容和形式可以追溯到博物馆是科学研究人员的专属领域那个时代。)
The painter Peter Brandon never dated his works, and their chronology is only now beginning to take shape in the critical literature.(画家彼得·布兰登的作品从来没有标注过日期,其时间表现在才开始在批评文献中形成。)
Diamonds, an occasional component of rare igneous rocks called lamproites and kimberlites, have never been dated satisfactorily.(钻石是稀有火成岩(称为煌斑岩和金伯利岩)中偶尔出现的一种成分,其年代测定方法从未令人满意。)
dated是什么意思 dated在线翻译 dated什么意思 dated的意思 dated的翻译 dated的解释 dated的发音 dated的同义词