By analyzing the datum, it is necessary for us to set up the fund for motor vehicle insurance.(本文通过对数据的分析,说明建立我国机动车辆保险赔偿基金十分必要。)
The datum has nothing to do with basic cognitive processes.(所以这份陈述资料和基本的认知过程无关。)
Let's call a Flitter datum a flit.(让我们将一段Flitter数据称为一个flit。)
Why is Groupon not merely a tech-bubble datum but a Ponzi scheme?(为什么Groupon不仅仅是一个高科技泡沫而是庞氏骗局呢?)
The string will be DATUM, and you will see how to use it in the section on embedded modifications.(这个字符串是DATUM,在关于嵌入式修改一节中您将了解到如何使用它。)
The ealuation of datum mark stability is one of most important parts in data processing of deformationmonitoring.(基准点的稳定性评价,是变形观测数据处理时不可忽视的重要内容。)
By analyzing the datum, it is necessary for us to set fund for motor vehicle insurance.(本文通过对数据的分析,说明我国建立机动车辆保险赔偿基金十分必要。)
At any moment he wishes, one can refer directly to an inwardly felt datum.(任何时刻,个人都希望,人们可以直接提及他的内心感到的数据。)
Given a regex and a datum, a regex engine yields whether the datum matches a pattern and, if a match was found, what matched.(给定一个正则表达式和数据,正则表达式引擎将得到数据是否匹配模式及匹配内容(如果找到匹配)等结果。)
The fourth column shows the index type (as defined in the schema in Listing 5) used to represent the datum.(第四列将显示用于表示数据的索引类型(按照清单5的模式中的定义)。)
datum是什么意思 datum在线翻译 datum什么意思 datum的意思 datum的翻译 datum的解释 datum的发音 datum的同义词