英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:43:08



英 [ˈdeɪbreɪk]

美 [ˈdeˌbrek]


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  • 黎明
  • 破晓
  • 拂晓
  • 天(大)亮


1. the first light of day

e.g. we got up before dawn
they talked until morning

Synonym: dawndawningmorningaurorafirst lightbreak of daybreak of the daydayspringsunrisesunupcockcrow

1. 黎明;拂晓;破晓
Daybreak is the time in the morning when light first appears.

e.g. It was six-thirty, almost daybreak...
时间是 6点 30 分,天几乎要破晓了。
e.g. Pedro got up every morning before daybreak.

1. daybreak

1. 晓:还有她唱的<>(Daybreak)大家去查查中文歌词看看是适合菲莉雅和瓦尔,还是莉娜和高里...


2. 破晓:(美国)最佳男演员银熊奖:丹尼尔.亨德勒(DanielHendler),获奖作品:<>(LostEmbrace),(阿根廷)突出艺术贡献银熊奖:<>(Daybreak),导演:BjrnRunge(瑞典)最佳电影音乐银熊奖:班达.奥斯利斯(BandaOsiris),

3. daybreak什么意思

3. 黎明:这幅名为<>(Daybreak)的画作是Maxfield Parrish 在1922年的作品. 它被誉为20世纪最畅销的画作,根据美国国家博物馆资料显示,它的印刷量超过了达芬奇的<>和安迪.沃霍尔的<>.

4. 拂晓:罗缤-吉布森于2006年5月在佳士得以760万美元拍下了收藏中最著名的作品,1922年的<>(Daybreak),成为该艺术家的最高纪录. 该画可以说是帕里什最著名的一幅新古典主义作品--描绘了两根圆柱之间的两个女人,背景是发光的山峦.

  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

It came as the joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.(它的来临就像愉悦的曙光结束了他们受到束缚的漫长黑夜。)
He was roused by the doorbell at daybreak.(黎明时他被门铃声吵醒。)
The rain left off at daybreak.(破晓时雨停了。)
The hound hunted all night. He quit when the roosters started crowing at daybreak.(那只猎犬忙乎了整晚,到黎明公鸡报晓时才休息。)
It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.(它的到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。)
Iff you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to embrace the darkness.(如果你曾经歌颂黎明,那么也请你去拥抱黑夜。)
The peasant, however, made off next morning by daybreak with the three hundred talers.(第二天天一亮,农夫就带着那三百泰勒逃走了。)
The fire was completely overcome by daybreak.(黎明时大火已被完全扑灭。)
For many years, I have been in the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.(多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。)
It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.(它之到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。)
daybreak是什么意思 daybreak在线翻译 daybreak什么意思 daybreak的意思 daybreak的翻译 daybreak的解释 daybreak的发音 daybreak的同义词