英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 10:05:26


英 [dɪˈlɪbərətli]

美 [dɪˈlɪbərɪtlɪ]


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比较级:more deliberately最高级:most deliberately

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1. with intention
in an intentional manner

e.g. he used that word intentionally
I did this by choice

Synonym: intentionallydesignedlyon purposepurposelyadvisedlyby choiceby design

2. in a deliberate unhurried manner

e.g. she was working deliberately

Synonym: measuredly

1. deliberately的翻译

1. 慎重地:上个月,日本慎重地(deliberately)在与它的盟友美国的一份联合声明中,更少模糊地宣布它对台湾的立场,就是台湾是一个军事安全顾虑(concern). 在中方看来,这不但是干涉中国的内政,还显示日本更进一步放弃对军事行动的宪法限制. 在去年12月,

2. 蓄意地:本节从审计观点,将管理舞弊定义为管理阶层蓄意地(Deliberately)虚报财务报表,以达到获取不法利益的目的. 一般员工舞弊的形态都涉及直接挪用公款窃取财产,而中上管理阶层的舞弊形态,则并不一定使公司的现金或其他财产受到损害,

3. deliberately

3. 故意地:delete 删去 | deliberately 故意地 | delicate 精巧的,精致的


4. (强调深思熟虑后)故意的:on purpose: 故意,强调目的性 | deliberately (强调深思熟虑后)故意的 | in consequence, in consequence of 由于什么的缘故

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The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.(这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。)
The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms.(这封信故意写得含糊其辞。)
The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices.(政府有意选择对价格的上涨轻描淡写。)
The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff.(政府蓄意挫败了他为其外国员工取得工作许可证的努力。)
You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your nonconformity.(你故意有悖传统,甚至连着装都在表明你与众不同。)
Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse ?(你是真要那样,还是故意作对?)
You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not.(你认为这是我故意干的,不过我向你保证不是的。)
A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.(人是被故意设计成终归一死的。成长,变老,然后死去。)
He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.(关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。)
She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.(她故意把衣服混搭。)
deliberately是什么意思 deliberately在线翻译 deliberately什么意思 deliberately的意思 deliberately的翻译 deliberately的解释 deliberately的发音 deliberately的同义词