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更新时间:2025-03-24 12:32:57

department store

英 [diˈpɑ:tmənt stɔ:]

美 [dɪˈpɑrtmənt stɔr]


第三人称复数:department stores

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1. a large retail store organized into departments offering a variety of merchandise
commonly part of a retail chain

Synonym: emporium

1. 百货商店;百货公司
A department store is a large shop which sells many different kinds of goods.

1. 百货商店:(二)百货商店(department store) 百货商店比起超级出国留学移民探索更有气派,里面的商品价格也随之抬高. 这里有宽大的店堂和彬彬有礼的售货员,有些百货商店在自动电梯旁专设一位店员,笑容可构地迎接每一位顾客. 百货商店出售的商品可多达16万种.


2. 商场:这里先更正一下,1)号地点mall除了前面提到的macy's,saks这种又卖衣服又卖包还卖化妆品的商场(department store)外,还有专门卖化妆品的店,如著名的LV集团下的丝芙兰Sephora(有实体店有官网),和只有网店没有实体店的Beauty.com,

3. department store的翻译

3. 百货商场:单店的经营特色是拥有自己独立的网址及网站,且市场的行销、广告、配送及客户服务也是由自己负责. 单店依营运的规模可以区分为零售店(Retail Store)及百货商场(Department Store)两类,目前国内的中华生协即属於零售店型的电子商店.

At a department store: "Big pre-Christmas sale."(百货公司:“圣诞节前大减价。”)
Could you drop me off at the department store?(你能让我在百货公司下车吗?)
The department store has reduced its prices by half.(这家百货公司把商品价格打了对折。)
He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store.(他自荐当我们商场的经理。)
Tracy went to the department store to pick out some gifts for her friends.(崔西到百货公司去挑选一些礼物给她朋友。)
It's just like trying on clothes in a department store.(这就像在百货商店里试穿衣服。)
The children were fascinated by the toys in the big department store.(孩子们被大商场里的玩具迷住了。)
This department store sells a large number of different things.(这家百货商店出售许多各种各样的东西。)
The sweater I stole from the big main department store.(毛衣是我从一家大商场偷的。)
In order to boost sales, managers of Jerrod's, Montalia's premier department store, are planning to purchase shopping carts and make them available to the store's customers next month.(为了促进销售,蒙特利亚首屈一指的百货公司Jerrod's的经理们计划购买购物车,并于下月向顾客提供。)
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