英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:03:36



英 [ˈdɪŋi]

美 [ˈdɪŋi]


名词复数: dinghies

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  • 小艇
  • 小船
  • 小舢板
  • 救生艇
  • 小型救生艇
  • 敞篷小船
  • 小划艇
  • 船载划艇
  • 无篷小船
  • 橡皮艇救生船
  • 小艇原义指印度转运客货小船
  • 军舰上的小艇
  • 用作游艇等大船的供应艇(原为划艇)
  • 登陆用小艇
  • 单桅赛艇


1. a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled

Synonym: doryrowboat

1. 小舢板;小划艇
A dinghy is a small open boat that you sail or row.


1. 小型船只:deck planking 甲板外缘 | dinghy 小型船只 | disqualification 失格

2. 橡皮艇:patriot---爱国者 | dinghy---橡皮艇 | sabre---骑兵

3. 小舢板:dinge 黑人 | dinghy 小舢板 | dingily 暗黑地

4. 救生筏:达因风速表 Dines anemometer | 救生筏 dinghy | 切革模 dinking die

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  • 临近词

The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.(驶过的渡船掀起的波浪把小艇冲得摇摇晃晃。)
They may generally have only two people to transport in their dinghy .(在运输过程中通常是只有两人配合。)
When else in history has someone been able to call a 100ft yacht a dinghy?(历史上有谁曾经把一艘100英尺长的游艇称作小舟呢?)
They rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.(他们解救了他,然后用绞车把他那受损的小艇吊上了甲板。)
Motorized dinghy really floats!(电动小艇真浮!)
As they climbed into the dinghy, it began to list violently.(当他们登上救生艇时,救生艇开始剧烈地倾斜。)
Little by little the dinghy took shape on the paper.(一点一点地,小船在纸上成形了。)
They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer.(他们讯速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒装到一条救生筏上。)
Shou Juhua had to use a dinghy on Sunday to check his grapes, located on nearby high ground and spared, at least for now, from the worst of the flooding.(寿菊华不得不在周日乘坐小艇检查其种植于高地的葡萄,至少现在,还没有被最恶劣的洪水所影响。)
We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious.(我们在筏子和小船之间系了一根绳子,毕竟,一旦小船漂离了筏子的话,后果会很严重。)
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