英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:07:39



英 [dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt]

美 [dɪˈskrɪməˌnet]



副词: discriminately 过去式: discriminated 过去分词: discriminated 现在分词: discriminating 第三人称单数: discriminates

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  • vt. & vi. 分别,辨别,区分 see or make a difference
  • vi. 歧视,有差别地对待 derogate to unfairly treat one person or group worse or better than others


1. recognize or perceive the difference

Synonym: know apart

2. distinguish

e.g. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish

3. treat differently on the basis of sex or race

Synonym: separatesingle out



1. marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions

e.g. discriminate judgments
discriminate people

1. 区分;辨别
If you can discriminate between two things, you can recognize that they are different.

e.g. He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one...
e.g. The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.

2. 区别对待;歧视;偏袒
To discriminate against a group of people or in favour of a group of people means to unfairly treat them worse or better than other groups.

e.g. They believe the law discriminates against women.
e.g. ...legislation which would discriminate in favour of racial minorities...


1. 歧视:英语德语一起上,我在边上悄悄地偷听,只听懂了三成,大概是在和男朋友或者某亲人,说到她在香港公寓的那条狗,受到了菲佣的歧视和不友好对待. 可是我对她歧视(discriminate)这个单词实在很吃不准,也不便问,就在一边沉默着.

2. discriminate的意思

2. 分辨:媒介素质教育的核心理念是分析的工具(analyticaltools),就是要学会灵活的应用各种分析的方法与工具,其目的不在防疫而在分辨(discriminate)媒体呈现方式的优与劣.

3. 区分:iii)对研究对象进行区分(discriminate)是知识分子不可推卸的责任. 这里我想再谈谈最后一个问题,因为在我看来,近期以来评价已经被贬低为偏见的表达,最后这一点似乎是一个在近期很难高扬的原则. 首先,我想说的是,

4. [辨析]:写篇论文需要个英文题目:几组发育生物学名词辨析帮我翻译一下,谢谢!几组(several group)发育生物学(developmental biology)名词(noun)辨析(discriminate)怎么串起来?

  • 常用短语

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  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    歧视(某人) derogate to treat (usually sb) unfairly, as less important or worthy
    discriminate against sb

    Women complain that employers discriminate against female workers when calculating their rank and pay.


    It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.


    She claims she has been discriminated against in pay.


    Blacks are still widely discriminated against in some countries.


  • Death does not discriminate; it comes to everyone.
  • A climber must learn to discriminate as to when compass bearings are necessary and when they are not.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Much may be done by discriminate charity.

    出自:T. R. Malthus
  • Capacities which discriminate one individual from another.

    出自:G. Grote
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • criminate的意思是separate,前缀dis-的意思是apart。discriminate的基本意思是“分别,区分,区别对待”,可用作不及物动词或及物动词,用于及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语。
  • discriminate后接介词against,可表示“歧视”; 后接介词between或from,可表示“区分”。
  • discriminate作“有差别地对待”解时,多用于不及物动词。
discriminate, demarcate, differentiate, distinguish
  • 这组词的共同意思是“区分”。其区别是:
  • distinguish用于有联系的各种事物,可以相像,也可以不相像; differentiate用于同类物品; discriminate用于只有细微差别的事物,如真伪钞票; 而demarcate则用于区别明显,犹如有一条界线的事物。
  • 相关列句
    Hotels can price discriminate between those customers who are sensitive to service characteristics and those who are not and profit from such discrimination.(酒店可以针对两类客户中间的客户层进行区别定价并从中获益:对服务特色比较敏感的旅客、对服务不太敏感。)
    I'll turn now from meaninglessness to another ultimate concerns: Existential isolation. First we need to discriminate between the several USES of isolation in our profession.(现在我要从无意义转向另一个终极关切:孤独。首先我们需要对我们职业中对孤独这一词汇的几种用法做一区别。)
    It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age.(资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工。)
    In a statement, the company told the BBC it didn't discriminate against women, but that the firm was going through a bad time, and that the area worst affected was where women worked.(在一份声明中,该公司告诉BBC,他们并不歧视任何女性,但是公司正面临艰难的境地,而受影响最严重的就是女性工作的领域。)
    That suggests that when the hiring is done by the company where the job candidate will work, the people doing the hiring appear to strongly discriminate against attractive women.(而且当招聘会结束后,应聘者开始工作时,漂亮的女性也会像招聘时那样受到强烈的歧视。)
    Aren't the vegans being contradictory when of the two life forms inferior to man they discriminate against plants and claim in the meantime that animals be equal with mankind?(反过来,同样是比人低等的物种,素食者们一边歧视植物,一边却要求动物与人平等,这难道不是自打耳光吗?)
    "They seem to be able to discriminiate between different shapes, which might even mean they discriminate between different species of fish," he told BBC News.(“看起来,它们可以辨认出不同形状的鱼鳍,这意味着他们能辨别出不同的鱼类。”他这么告诉BBC新闻频道。)
    Agrillo's team also found that mosquitofish can discriminate between Numbers up to 16, but only if the ratio between the fish in each shoal was greater than 2:1.(阿格·利罗的小组还发现,食蚊鱼甚至能辨别大到16的两个数字的大小,条件是这两组鱼群的数量要相差超过2:1。)
    The tests discriminate unfairly against older people.(这些测验使年纪较大的人受到歧视。)
    The ability to design different services enables producers to discriminate price with regard to buyer tastes, potentially enabling greater revenue recovery.(设计不同服务的能力让服务提供者能够根据购买者的喜好有差别地进行定价,这就为其带来了更大的潜在收入回报。)
    discriminate是什么意思 discriminate在线翻译 discriminate什么意思 discriminate的意思 discriminate的翻译 discriminate的解释 discriminate的发音 discriminate的同义词