英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:14:04



英 [daɪˈvɜ:sɪfaɪ]

美 [daɪˈvɜ:rsɪfaɪ]



名词: diversification 过去式: diversified 过去分词: diversified 现在分词: diversifying 第三人称单数: diversifies

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  • (尤指企业或公司)把(资金)分散投资
  • 不同
  • 多样化
  • 变化
  • 使多样化
  • 使不同
  • 换换花样
  • 多种经营
  • 多方面发展
  • 把分投在几家公司内
  • 增加产品种类以扩大
  • 进入新的商业领域
  • 使不同使不一样
  • 使有变异给…以变化
  • 经营多样化
  • 多样化投资
  • 使成形形色色
  • 使变化
  • vt. & vi. (使)多样化 make or become varied


1. vary in order to spread risk or to expand

e.g. The company diversified

Synonym: branch outbroaden

2. spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate

e.g. The plants on this island diversified

Synonym: radiate

3. make (more) diverse

e.g. diversify a course of study

1. 增加…的品种;从事多种经营;(使)多样化
When an organization or person diversifies into other things, or diversifies their range of something, they increase the variety of things that they do or make.

e.g. The company's troubles started only when it diversified into new products...
e.g. Manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify...

The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture...
These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.

1. 多元化:我们研究众多个股,挑出能让整体投资组合有加分效果的投资标的,我们坚持多元化(diversify)的投资策略是真的奏效了!(微笑,且语调升高)答:我们观察相关问题已经有很长一 段时间了,但是一直到2006年第3季,次贷问题才开始浮现.

2. diversify

2. 多样化:至于国外的平等机会雇佣者,考虑工会,法律诉讼只是一个因素,很多企业都意识到追求员工多样化(diversify)的好处. 刚刚和欧洲分部的一个财务总监聊完,他还强调说,我们要多一点提升女性在员工中的比例,尤其在中高层管理者中的比例,


3. 使多样化:discourage 使气馁 | diversify 使多样化 | divbert 使分心

4. 使多样化,使变化:diverse 各色各样,种类不同的 | diversify 使多样化,使变化 | divert 转入,转向,自娱,消遣

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
  • His gallery has ambitious ideas for diversifying into publishing.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
Farmers are being encouraged to diversify into new crops.(目前正鼓励农民兼种新的农作物。)
Admonished by government entomologists, farmers began to diversify.(在政府昆虫学家的告诫下,农民们开始多样化种植。)
Farmers in some developed countries to diversify vocational and technical education.(一些发达国家实行多元化的农民职业技术教育。)
Then, the firm-specific resources and capabilities can be used to diversify in different markets.(同时,企业特定资源与能力也可用来在不同的市场实施多元化。)
As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify and improve quality.(制造商们受需求增加的刺激而扩大生产品种,提高产品质量。)
The need to diversify was long ignored.(它们长久以来都忽略了拓宽其产业的必要性。)
The cells could be converted into germ cells for use in assisted breeding programmes to help diversify the gene pools of endangered species, she says.(细胞可以转换成用于协助繁殖项目的生殖细胞,以帮助增加濒危物种基因库里的品种。)
The key word here is diversify; don't put all your eggs in one basket.(这里的关键词是多样化投资,不要孤注一掷。)
This would also diversify sources of energy supply.(这样做还可以使能源的资源供应多样化。)
Airports continue to diversify their role in an effort to generate income.(机场继续让它们的作用变得多样化,以努力创造收入。)
diversify是什么意思 diversify在线翻译 diversify什么意思 diversify的意思 diversify的翻译 diversify的解释 diversify的发音 diversify的同义词