英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:14:06



英 [daɪˈvɜ:ʃn]

美 [daɪˈvɜ:rʒn]


形容词: diversionary

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  • 转移
  • 转向
  • 娱乐
  • 消遣
  • 转换
  • 分散注意力
  • 分散注意力的东西
  • 改道
  • 挪用
  • 绕行
  • 绕路
  • 【军】箝制
  • 佯攻
  • 耳目一新
  • 转移注意力的事变
  • 散散心
  • 解闷法
  • 消遣解闷
  • 偏离
  • 临时绕行路
  • [C][U]转移,转向 a turning aside from sth
  • [C]娱乐,消遣 sth that diverts or amuses
  • [C](道路的)改道 alternative route for use by traffic when the usual road is temporarily closed
  • [C]分散注意力的事物 sth that turns sb's attention away from sth else that one does not wish to be noticed


1. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

e.g. a diversion from the main highway
a digression into irrelevant details
a deflection from his goal

Synonym: deviationdigressiondeflectiondeflexiondivagation

2. an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

e.g. scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists
for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles
drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation

Synonym: recreation

3. an attack calculated to draw enemy defense away from the point of the principal attack

Synonym: diversionary attack

1. 转移注意力的行为;令人分心的事情
A diversion is an action or event that attracts your attention away from what you are doing or concentrating on.

e.g. The robbers threw smoke bombs to create a diversion...
e.g. The whole argument is a diversion.

2. 消遣;娱乐
A diversion is an activity that you do for pleasure.

e.g. Finger painting is very messy but an excellent diversion.

3. 临时绕行路;临时支路
A diversion is a special route arranged for traffic to follow when the normal route cannot be used.

e.g. They turned back because of traffic diversions.

in AM, use 美国英语用 detour

4. 转向;转移;偏离
The diversion of something involves changing its course or destination.

e.g. ...the illegal diversion of profits from secret arms sales.
e.g. ...the diversion of a ship to Lebanon with $8m worth of aluminium on board.

1. 转换:◆ 超现实主义对心理的无意识强调被迂回(Detournementi)一转换(Diversion)或移置(Displacement)、诱导(Derive)、飘流(Drift),被整合的都会生活等观念所取代,使艺术品超越形式,使环境变为情境(有意义的社会场所).

2. 转移:于是BP制定了相应的3D政策,即阻止(Deterrent)、转移(Diversion)和发展(Development). 首先要阻止土著民的吸闻行为,然后引导他们转向更为有益的兴趣爱好,最后帮助失学孩子重返校园. 本文开头提到的马修.布朗就是3D政策的最大受益者之一.

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another.
  • Golf is my father's favorite diversion.
  • Sorry I'm late—there was a traffic diversion due to an accident on the main road.
  • The person's talk created a diversion of attention.
用作名词 (n.)
  • A diversion..from this rectitude, this uprightness.

  • The diversion of traffic out of blocked main thoroughfares into by-ways.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • The ABM..was attacked as a wasteful diversion of resources from domestic priorities.

    出自:H. Kissinger
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的diversion,意为转向。
We made a short diversion to go and look at the castle.(我们绕了一小段路去参观城堡。)
Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.(陌生人和旅行者是受欢迎的消遣来源,他们带来了外面世界的新闻。)
And certainly, any losses due to diversion, counterfeiting, and recalls would be reduced.(当然,转移、伪造和召回带来的损失也将减少。)
Thou'lt find it good diversion.(你会发现这是一种很好的消遣。)
Fear of fuel diversion is growing, along with fear of proliferation in general.(在担忧核扩散的同时,大众对燃料转换(fueldiversion)的担心也与日俱增。)
In 1766 he excommunicated the village for its "depraved diversion."(1766年他因“堕落的娱乐活动”将该村逐出教会。)
The laws of physics will not allow water diversion from the Great Bend.(他认为墨脱的大坝仅仅是水力发电设施,而非水利分流设施。“物理学定律决定了不可能从大拐弯处进行分流。”)
Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion.(正如其他运动一样,乒乓球只是社会中无足轻重的一部分。)
The party will make a pleasant diversion.(晚会会是一个很不错的消遣。)
The diversion was fleeting, for they succumbed almost immediately to the waning of oxygen.(这个大迁移是短暂的,因为它们几乎是立即就死于氧气的逐渐减少了。)
diversion是什么意思 diversion在线翻译 diversion什么意思 diversion的意思 diversion的翻译 diversion的解释 diversion的发音 diversion的同义词