英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:04:26



英 [ˈdaʊdi]

美 [ˈdaʊdi]


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形容词: dowdyish 副词: dowdily 比较级: dowdier 最高级: dowdiest 名词: dowdiness 名词复数: dowdies

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  • 过时的
  • 寒酸的
  • 懒散的
  • 衣着不整的
  • 邋遢的
  • 服装不整洁的
  • 式样俗气的
  • 不美观的
  • 不漂亮的
  • 俗气的
  • 不整洁的不时髦的不潇洒的褴褛的
  • 懒散的女人
  • 邋遢女人
  • 道迪(音译名)


1. deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust

Synonym: pandowdy


1. primly out of date

e.g. nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game

Synonym: frumpyfrumpish

2. lacking in smartness or taste

e.g. a dowdy grey outfit
a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room

1. (人或衣着)单调的,土气的,不时髦的
If you describe someone or their clothes as dowdy, you mean their clothes are dull and unfashionable.

e.g. ...playing hostess to a lot of officials and their dowdy wives...
e.g. Her clothes were clean but dowdy.

1. 衣衫褴褛的:dowdily 懒散地 | dowdy 衣衫褴褛的 | dowel 木钉

2. dowdy

2. 邋遢女人,懒散女人:understudy候补演员,替身 | dowdy邋遢女人,懒散女人 | rowdy吵闹的人


3. 不整洁的,过旧的:bawdy 淫猥的、下流的 | dowdy 不整洁的,过旧的 | rowdy 吵闹的,粗暴的

4. 衣衫褴褛的; 懒散的; 寒酸的 (形):dowager 贵妇; 老年贵妇人 (名) | dowdy 衣衫褴褛的; 懒散的; 寒酸的 (形) | dowel 用暗销接合 (动)

  • 经典引文

  • I can't stand by and see my sister turning into a dowdy, middle-aged frump.

    出自:R. West
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And while many shows portray overweight women as 20 dowdy, Ms. Elliott, whose performance as Jane has 21 captivated reviewers, has also become something of a fashion trendsetter.(许多剧集将肥胖女人塑造成俗气又邋遢的人,而埃利奥特女士出演的简却抓住了评论家的心,她也变成了某种时尚领军人物。)
With Herrera's tasteful treatment, though, there was nothing ditzy, dated or dowdy on her runway Monday, even if the bold flowers themselves were inspired by botanical plates from the 18th century.(在海莱拉品味的处理之下,尽管这些大胆的花卉灵感来自于18世纪的植绘盘子,她周一的秀台上并没有陈旧或者寒酸。)
The duchess of dowdy strikes again wrote blackwell. "In feathered hats that were once the rage she resembles a petrified parakeet from the jurassic age. A royal wreck. ""(他说:“寒酸公爵夫人又来了。带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。王室垃圾!”。)
But pyjamas, far from being seen as dowdy and scruffy, were once at the very apex of fashion.(但睡衣并非一直是破旧和邋遢的象征,它曾经引领时尚潮流。)
Mr Galliano is undoubtedly a talented designer who sprinkled Dior's once dowdy fashion house with pixie-dust.(Galliano先生无疑是一名才华横溢的设计师,为过时陈旧的迪奥时装公司带来新的生机。)
She looked very plain and dowdy.(她长得非常普通,衣也过时。)
She was in a dowdy blue frock.(她穿了件不大洁净的蓝上衣。)
Peahens, though not as showy as cocks, are by no means dowdy.(原译文:虽然不像公鸡那样耀眼,但雌孔雀也绝不俗气。)
“There’s no upside to looking frumpy or dowdy, ” said Simon Doonan, the creative director of Barneys New York, where the campaign reported spending only $789.72, or enough for almost one outfit.(“看上去象未见过世面或寒酸则没有上升的希望”,纽约巴尼斯百货的创意总监SimonDoonan称,竞选报道仅花了789.72美元,就足以支付整个一套装备。)
It was about the small things too, like our dowdy polyester uniforms.(这一理念也被应用到了一些小事情上,比如改善我们寒酸土气的制服。)
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