英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:10:15


英 [ˈdrɒpsi]

美 [ˈdrɑ:psi]


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形容词: dropsical 副词: dropsically

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1. swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities

Synonym: edemaoedemahydrops


1. 水肿:在斗鱼身上,水肿(Dropsy)泛指腹部肿胀的情形,腹水(Ascites)则为腹腔中积蓄过多的体液. 在鱼腹腔中,本就存在一些体液,作为组织间的润滑之用,但可能因为皮肤、鳃、心脏、肝脏或肾脏的病变,导致渗透压调节功能失常,腹腔因而充满过多体液,

2. dropsy

2. 积水:droplet infection 飞沫传染 | dropsy 积水 | drowning 淹溺

3. 水肿(病浮肿(病):dropping reaction 点滴反应 | dropsy 水肿(病浮肿(病) | drosophila 果蝇

4. 浮肿 水肿 积水 积液:dropstone 钟乳状方解石滴石 | dropsy 浮肿 水肿 积水 积液 | dropsyofserouscavity 浆膜腔积液

Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray ceroid liver surface lucency dropsy but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of ve.(临床剖检发现内脏器官整体色泽暗淡,颜色蜡黄,肝脏表面透明,水肿,但没有出现渗出液。)
Conclusion: it is more sensitive and credible markers to measuring urinary NAG in diagnosis of early renal damage in dropsy.(结论:尿nag酶的检测是诊断特发性水肿早期肾损害的最灵敏、可靠的实验室指标。)
Causes the trophoderm cell swelling and down mesenchymal dropsy.(引起滋养层细胞肿胀和绒毛间质水肿。)
You can reduce the symptoms, however the dropsy will return.(尽管你能够减轻金鱼的病症,然而,水肿病情却会出现反复。)
2there in front of him was a man suffering from dropsy.(在他面前有一个患水臌的人。)
The kidney fades dropsy.(肾衰性水肿。)
Another one got dropsy, and in order to cure himself, covered himself with dung and laid down in the market place.(还有一位得了水肿病,为了自我治愈,将粪便涂抹全身并躺在集市上。)
Double eyelids dropsy 28(56%);(双眼睑水肿28例(56%);)
The experimental group obviously surpassed the control group on neuron dropsy and reperfusion of vessel.(实验组神经元水肿、血管再灌注情况明显优于对照组。)
Dropsy can be caused by a bacterial infection which causes kidney failure in goldfish.(金鱼水肿是由于细菌感染导致肾衰竭而引起的。)
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