英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:24:22



英 [dʌb]

美 [dʌb]


名词: dubber 过去式: dubbed 过去分词: dubbed 现在分词: dubbing 第三人称单数: dubs

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 击,撞,敲
  • (为…)配音
  • 刺,戳,捅
  • 译制(影片)
  • 授与...以称号
  • 把...叫做,给...起浑名叫...,把…戏称为
  • 用剑拍肩授与...以骑士爵位,封…为爵士
  • 复制,拷贝
  • 把灌进录音带,混录录制(音乐)
  • 把…弄光洁
  • 在(皮革)上涂油
  • 打糟(球的一击)
  • 配入
  • 轻点
  • 笨拙的人,笨蛋
  • 泥潭
  • 水洼
  • 配音,配入的声音
  • 强节拍诗歌
  • 强节奏音乐
  • 一下击鼓声,鼓的一击,击鼓(声)
  • 新手
  • 复制,拷贝
  • vt. 给…起绰号; 把…称为 give a nickname to sb
  • vt. 配音; 复制 give new or different sound efforts to, or change the original spoken language of a film


1. the new sounds added by dubbing



1. provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language

2. give a nickname to

Synonym: nickname

3. raise (someone) to knighthood

e.g. The Beatles were knighted

Synonym: knight

1. 给…起绰号;把…称作
If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name.

e.g. ...the man whom the Labour opposition dubbed as the 'no change Prime Minister'...
e.g. At the height of her career, Orson Welles dubbed her 'the most exciting woman in the world'.

2. 为(影片等)配音;译制
If a film or soundtrack in a foreign language is dubbed, a new soundtrack is added with actors giving a translation.

e.g. It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.
e.g. ...a badly dubbed foreign film.

1. 复制:从录像机的复制(DUB)接口输出的信号不受彩色锁相调整钮的影响. 这个开关是为了从几个输入信号中选择一个进行录制. 线路(LINE)位置可选择从视频输入插口和音频输入插口送入的信号. 复制(DUB)位置可选择来自复制电缆输入插口的信号及音频输入插口的信号.

2. 拷贝:Goth Tard 被认为是日本电子拷贝(Dub) 乐的大师 , Goth Tard在重要的日本和欧洲的厂牌发行了众多音乐,厂牌包括Mala的 Deep Medi Music . 作为代表亚洲声音的大使,他受到世界各地的乐迷高度推崇-而到今天为止也是唯一被邀请到Dubstep发源地 -传奇的DMZ 晚会演出的亚洲艺人.

3. 都柏林:格拉斯哥 任何 (GLA) 都柏林 (DUB)从格拉斯哥国际机场 (GLA)飞往都柏林 (DUB)的直飞班机格拉斯哥国际机场 (GLA) 都柏林 (DUB)格拉斯哥普雷斯特维克 (PIK) 都柏林 (DUB)从格拉斯哥国际机场 (GLA)飞往都柏林 (DUB)的非直飞班

4. dub:dysfunctional uterine bleeding; 功能失调性子宫出血

5. dub的反义词

5. dub:dysfuntional uterine bleeding; 机能不良性子宫出血

6. dub:diameter under bark; 去皮直径

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • I'd like to dub that videotape so I can watch it at home.
  • 1
  • Is the movie dubbed or does it have subtitles?
  • The play is dubbed into six languages.
  • Jotting down each dull footstep with a melancholy dub of his staff.

    出自:N. Hawthorne
  • Thou wast dubbed knight in this church.

    出自:C. Kingsley
  • It was the custom to dub new knights before the beginning of the fighting.

    出自:O. Neubecker
  • The foot sounds had to be dubbed in, due to the difficulty of picking them up..on the set during shooting.

    出自:F. Astaire
  • Dubbed voices uttered words of uncontrolled passion.

    出自:J. D. Watson
  • 词语用法

  • dub作“给…起绰号; 把…称为”解时常用在报刊上,是及物动词,接以不带as的名词作补足语的复合宾语。
  • dub作“配音”解时,多指用另一种语言配音,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常与介词into连用。
  • dub的过去式和过去分词均为dubbed。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A new canal is being dub in that province.(一条新的运河正在该省开凿。)
I'd like to dub that videotape so I can watch it at home.(我想复制那盘录像带以便在家看。)
Brother Yang is helping us dub right now.(杨弟兄正在帮助我们配音。)
"Attacking the enemy … is to bleed the enemy to death, " a tactic they dub "the strategy of a thousand cuts.(“我们不需要把敌人一锤子打死,而是让它们慢慢流血身亡,”这种策略也被戏称为“千刀万剐。”)
This led the official Chinese media to dub Rio a “dishonourable woman”.(这使得中国媒体将力拓称为“不忠诚的女人。”)
In the first season dub, only the BGM of the intro and ending songs is used, and the Japanese singing is left out.(在第一个赛季配音,背景音乐的歌曲只在开场和结束的使用,日本的歌声是被排除在外。)
Bring on the Bling: in the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities.(走上闪耀的舞台:在汽车定制行业中,DUB这个词会让人立刻联想到装饰豪华的车子、大号轮胎、还有大明星。)
I want to dub Japanese movie.(我想当一位日本的配音演员。)
She barely eats, sleeps and doesn't feel pain leading doctors to dub her the 'bionic' girl.(她很少吃饭睡觉,也感觉不到疼痛,医生称其为“超能力”女孩。)
The Spaniards love to dub everything.(西班牙人喜欢为一切配音。)
dub是什么意思 dub在线翻译 dub什么意思 dub的意思 dub的翻译 dub的解释 dub的发音 dub的同义词