英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 12:11:07


英 [ˈdwelɪŋ]

美 [ˈdwɛlɪŋ]



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1. housing that someone is living in

e.g. he built a modest dwelling near the pond
they raise money to provide homes for the homeless

Synonym: homedomicileabodehabitationdwelling house

1. 住宅;住所;居所
A dwelling or a dwelling place is a place where someone lives.

e.g. Some 3,500 new dwellings are planned for the area...
该地区计划筹建约 3,500 所新居。
e.g. We hiked the Grand Canyon, exploring Indian cliff dwellings.


1. 住所:但是此一病态的分离对海德格更为深刻:亲密感的失落,造成了存在与营建的断裂,造成了原本经由建造产生意义的存在(existence )的与住所(dwelling)断裂. 这种「除去魅惑的哲学」里并没有乡愁. 在(296页 )一书中,佛蓝普顿正确的看到,

2. 居住:王墨林提出的一个说法,可见一斑:而在物质的建设,若从人和自然共处的理念考量,一样面临一个大不相同的想像和认知. 海德格谈到居住(dwelling)的问题,他说并不是房屋的问题,也不是都市规划的问题,而是(安)居於世界上的问题:

3. 住:从人类落地生根的时期之后,族群生命的延续就和土地有了密不可分的关系,文明的发展於是有了孕育的温床.在人类文明的初始,对居住(dwelling)这件事情纯属安全,庇护,温暖的潜意识诉求,没有空间方位的概念,没有上下左右的区分,

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The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies.(炊烟起处有人家。)
In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.(在撒冷有他的帐幕,在锡安有他的居所。)
The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling.(这栋房子现在的位置恰与原住宅的位置一致。)
He has felt an influence dwelling always upon him like a curse.(他已经感觉到有个象是诅咒的势力始终在他身边徘徊。)
Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals.(它们的身体呈流线型,后肢完全消失,身体上长出了尾片和喷水孔,所有这些特征都无法掩饰它们与陆生哺乳动物之间的亲缘关系。)
Very thrilling stories they were, too, to an earth-dwelling animal like Mole.(对于鼹鼠这样一个住在地球上的动物来说,这些故事也是非常令人激动的。)
You are mentally dwelling with error in your mind.(你在心理上落户于你内心的错误想法上。)
39 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place.(求你在天上你的居所垂听赦免。)
The Dingiso, as the creature is also known, is a forest-dwelling marsupial with bold coloration that spends most of its time on the ground.(白腹树袋熊,作为一种已知的生物,是一种生活在森林里的有袋类动物,大部分时间生活在地面上,它的颜色非常鲜艳。)
The doctor knows that his friend is an independent man and likes to have his own dwelling.(医生知道他的朋友是个独立的人,喜欢有自己的住处。)
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