英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:27:17


英 [dɪs'feɪdʒɪə]

美 [dɪs'feɪdʒɪr]


形容词: dysphagic

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  • 【医】咽下困难
  • 吞咽不利
  • 吞咽困难


1. condition in which swallowing is difficult or painful

1. 吞咽困难:吞咽困难(dysphagia)是指食物从口腔至胃、贲门运送过程中受阻而产生咽部、胸骨后或食管部位的梗阻停滞感觉. 对于吞咽困难患者临床医师必须重视,器质性疾病所致的吞咽困难必须与假性吞咽困难相区别,后者并无食管梗阻的基础病变,

2. 咽下困难:言语和语言治疗是对各种言语、语言障碍的评价、治疗和研究[2],其中言语、语言又各有含义. 言语(speech)为口语交流的机械部分,为使口语发音表达清晰,需要相应的神经肌肉活动. 言语障碍可由咽下困难(Dysphagia)、构音障碍(D..


3. 吞嚥障礙:摘要: [关键词] 岛叶梗死 吞咽困难 脑卒中 吞咽障碍(dysphagia)是脑卒中患者的一个常见症状,吞咽困难容易导致不良预后,如吸入性肺炎、脱水、营养不良等并发症甚至死亡等,其中误吸是发生肺炎最危险的因素,其显著增加脑卒中的病死率.

4. dysphagia

4. 噎膈:Dyspepsia 食滞 | Dysphagia 噎膈 | Dyspnea 喘证

  • 临近词

We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.(未发现任何开放性鼻音、吞咽困难和发音困难。)
Objective: To study the influence of nasal feeding tube diameter on the incidence of pulmonary infection in acute stroke patients with dysphagia.(目的:研究鼻饲管直径大小与脑卒中吞咽困难病人肺部感染发生率的相关性。)
Dysphagia did not recur after 3 months followup.(随访3个月以上,吞咽困难均缓解良好。)
Objective: To observe the effect of systematized healthy education in the rehabilitation therapy with dysphagia.(目的:观察系统化健康教育在脑卒中吞咽困难患者康复中的效果。)
Objective to select properly the esophageal metallic stent to treat the dysphagia and strictures of advanced esophageal cancer.(目的探讨合理选用食管金属内支架置入治疗晚期食管癌性狭窄引起的吞咽困难。)
The initial symptoms of these patients were dysphagia and lalopathy. It took 1. 5-8 months from onset to confirmed diagnosis.(均以饮水发呛、吞咽困难、言语障碍为首发症状,发病至确诊时间1.5~8个月。)
Conditions associated with mucosal atrophy include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies, and sideropenic dysphagia.(与粘膜萎缩相关的症状包括缺铁、某些维生素缺乏和缺铁性吞咽困难。)
To determine the therapeutic effect of acupuncture for dysphagia after acute stroke compared with placebo, sham or no acupuncture intervention.(为了决定针灸治疗急性中风后吞咽困难的疗效,评估针灸治疗相较于安慰剂、假针、或非针灸组的疗效。)
Dysphagia occurs frequently in Parkinson's disease although patients themselves may be unaware of swallowing difficulties.(吞咽困难经常会发生,虽然帕金森氏症病人他们自己可能未察觉到。)
Symptoms included cough, dysphagia, and chest pain.(症状包括咳嗽,吞咽困难和胸痛。)
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