英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:27:18



英 [dɪs'pleɪʒə]

美 [dɪs'pleɪʒə]


形容词: dysplastic

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1. abnormal development (of organs or cells) or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth

1. 异生:('98专高)(A) 13.异生(dysplasia)的病灶应优先考虑:(A) 癌前期变化 (B) 化生(C) 恶性肿瘤 (D) 再生. ('00专高)(B) 22.科学家发现40%的视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma)为家族性的. 更进一步发现这是因为第13对染色体上有某基因的佚失(deletion),

2. 发育不良:病理科医生进行宫颈标本检查时,由于标本切片原因可能漏诊某些微小的病变,故病检报告若无间变(anaplasia)存在,仅表明标本边缘是阴性,而不能确定宫颈标本中无发育不良(dysplasia)病变存在.

3. 发育异常:PSC伴随CUC时,发生结肠恶性肿瘤的危险度增加,其发生率为10%,甚至有报道结肠癌发生于肝移植之后,PSC与CUC同时存在时,结肠发育异常(dysplasia)为45%,单纯CUC组为16%.

4. 不典型增生:(一)原位癌(carcinoma in situ)的提出(二)不典型增生(dysplasia)和原位癌国际妇产科联合会(FIGO)认为浸润深度小于5mm,妇科肿瘤学会认为浸润深度小于3mm,而横向宽度小于7mm的浸润癌,称为微小浸润癌.

5. dysplasia:dys; 异型增生

The associated inflammatory change further dissuades me from making a definite diagnosis of LSIL or mild dysplasia.(相关的炎性改变进一步使我不能下LSIL或轻度异型增生的明确诊断。)
Objective to study the potential factors of heterotypic dysplasia and cancerization of colorectal adenoma.(目的探讨大肠腺瘤发生异型增生及癌变的潜在危险因素。)
The most likely cause of sphenoid dysplasia is defective ossification of the sphenoid bone.(引起蝶骨发育不良最可能的原因是蝶骨骨化不全。)
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of nourishing kidney and Qi therapy (NKQT) on follicular dysplasia.(目的:评价补肾益气法治疗卵泡发育不良的疗效。)
Fibrous dysplasia may be treated medically with bisphosphanates or surgically with bone graft or fixation.(骨纤维异常增殖可以药物治疗,也可以手术植骨或者固定。)
Shortly after her birth, Marina was diagnosed with cortical dysplasia, which causes seizures and affects bones and muscles.(玛丽娜在出生后不久,被诊断出皮质发育不良(corticaldysplasia),该病会引起急病发作,还会影响骨质和肌肉。)
Sphenoid wing dysplasia is one of six clinical criteria for the diagnosis of NF-1.(蝶骨翼发育不良是NF-1诊断的六个临床规范之一。)
CEA was not demonstrated in normal squamous epithelium, squamous metaplasia nor in mild dysplasia.(在正常鳞状上皮、鳞状化生上皮及轻度非典型增生未见到CEA。)
The report suggests that fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal arteries is acquired and may not be presented from birth.(本报告认为该肾动脉肌纤维发育异常是后天的,可能不是先天性的。)
Treatment may be initiated if there is biopsy proven dysplasia.(如果活检证实有异常则开始进行治疗。)
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