英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 13:26:12



英 [ɪmˈbɒs]

美 [ɪmˈbɔ:s]


Created with Highcharts 10.0.0释义常用度

名词: embosser 过去式: embossed 过去分词: embossed 现在分词: embossing 第三人称单数: embosses

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. raise in a relief

e.g. embossed stationery

Synonym: bossstamp


1. 浮雕:Ani免费韩剧在线观看Polygon)及喷枪(Spray) 35种颜料效果 如涂抹(Smear) 透明(glass) 色彩循环(glow) 括取(scrape) 浮雕 (emboss) 上釉(glaze)及修边(UNZag全彩动画 您可以很容易的将视讯影像与24位元 的影像互相结合 并且不


2. (浮雕效果):还有一种比较明显的应用,那就是执行浮雕效果(Emboss)后,原图像的填充色会变为灰色,并用原色勾画边缘以产生突出或下陷的浮雕效果. 此时如果想要保留原图像的颜色与细节,就可以在浮雕效果(Emboss)执行后应用 Fade 命令.

3. 压花:(2) 选用透明的PMMA塑料制造灯罩,在灯罩表面再施以压花(Emboss)或喷砂(Blaster)等机械处理.

4. 凸点:trim切边 | emboss凸点 | dome凸圆

5. emboss:european molecular biology open software suite; 欧洲分子生物学开放软件包

  • 经典引文

  • Its fretted roots Embossed the bank.

Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Bevel and Emboss to give it three-dimensional appearance.(添加渐变叠加,以避免平面色彩和斜面和浮雕,给它的三维外观。)
The silver vase is emboss with a design of flower.(这银花瓶上刻有花卉浮雕图案。)
Draw a rounded rectangle on lower left of the camera. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss. Add camera name inside the rounded rectangle.(在较低的相机留下了一个圆角矩形。添加内发光和斜面和浮雕。相机内部添加圆角矩形的名称。)
Again, draw smaller circle shape. Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.(同样,画小圆圈形状。添加斜面和浮雕和渐变叠加。)
This machine is to print, emboss and automatically fold the rolled paper which is cut well into square or rectangular Napkin paper.(本机是把分切好的盘纸经印刷、压花而自动折叠成正方形或长方形的餐巾纸。)
Duplicate shape we have just created. Remove all layer Styles used. Set Fill layer to 0% then add layer Style Bevel and Emboss.(重复的形状我们刚刚创建的。删除所有图层样式使用。填充层设置为0%,然后添加图层样式斜面和浮雕。)
Follow the images below for the Settings of the Layer Style. We will be using Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss and Color Overlay.(依照底下的图片设置图层的气势派头。咱们将次使用投影,内暗影,外闪光,斜面和浮雕和色彩叠加。)
I used a new layer set to multiply and a vague Bevel and Emboss layer style to add some depth to the cracks.(我又新建了一个图层设置成正片叠底,通过斜面浮雕的图层效果增加裂痕的厚度。)
There are some actors who only want to emboss their own characters without thinking of the flow of the story.(有些演员只求演好自己的角色而忽略了故事的流程;相反,有些演员在演好自己的角色的同时,也会希望把故事演活出来。)
With the algorithm of emboss bump mapping, the bumped text texture is implemented and can substitute for text created by modeling.(运用浮雕凸凹纹理映射算法,实现具有凸凹感的文本纹理,可以替代真实的文本造型。)
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