英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:09:04


英 [ɪ'vɪkʃn]

美 [ɪ'vɪkʃn]


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  • 收回(租房或租地等)
  • 逐出,赶出
  • 驱逐,指官方强制驱逐某人离开房间或某个地区的行为或过程



1. the expulsion of someone (such as a tenant) from the possession of land by process of law

Synonym: dispossessionlegal ouster

2. action by a landlord that compels a tenant to leave the premises (as by rendering the premises unfit for occupancy)
no physical expulsion or legal process is involved

Synonym: constructive eviction

1. 驱逐;驱赶
Eviction is the act or process of officially forcing someone to leave a house or piece of land.

e.g. He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family...
e.g. He also criticised the evictions for being violent and ruthless.

1. 令迁出;收回房舍:evenness 平顺程度 | eviction 令迁出;收回房舍 | eviction of trespasser 驱逐侵入者

2. 收回:everninomicin 扁枝衣霉素 | eviction 收回 | evolutional load 进化负荷

3. 着令迁出:estuarine 河口;河口湾 | eviction 着令迁出 | ex-gratia allowance 特惠津贴

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  • 临近词

Yet Thai officials called their eviction “voluntary”.(然而,泰国官方称这些难民“自愿离境”。)
On September 7, 2006, I obtained an eviction order from the Cleveland County Court and personally handed it over to him.(2006年9月7日,我拿到克利夫兰郡法院(ClevelandCountyCourt)驱逐令并且亲自交给了他。)
The eviction algorithms are designed to perform well under high concurrency as well.(同时逐出(eviction)算法也在高并发的环境下具有良好的表现。)
Tenants living in east London are facing eviction from their homes with hardly any notice by landlords wanting to cash in on the Olympics.(住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题,而且并没有得到提前通知,因为房东们想在奥运会期间把房子租给短期游客,大捞一笔。)
He was facing eviction for non-payment of rent.(他因为没有付房租而面临被赶出房子的可能。)
The documentary's chief plot point is Cunningham's looming eviction from his tiny studio over Carnegie Hall, a space where he has dwelled for decades.(这部纪录片的一条主线是库宁汉随时可能被赶出,他已经住了几十年的,在卡内基音乐厅的那间小小工作室。)
Liability insurance protects you against major financial loss should your tenant Sue you for a fall, wrongful eviction, or other types of lawsuit claims.(责任保险给您的保障在于,一旦您的租客因跌到或被不公逐出而告您,或出现其他类型的索赔官司时,您可以免受巨大的财务损失。)
The eviction order stated that he had FORTY-EIGHT hours to move out.(该驱逐令规定他在48小时内搬出。)
He is fighting an eviction order in court.(他正通过法庭对驱逐令表示反对。)
Represents a set of eviction and expiration details for a specific cache entry.(表示特定快取项目的一组收回和期限详细资料。)
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