英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:01:08


英 [ˈfeɪbld]

美 [ˈfebəld]



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  • 虚构的,杜撰的
  • 寓言中(讲)的,传说中的
  • (故事中)有名的
  • 荒唐无稽的
  • 神话般的、传说式的
  • 富有神奇色彩的
  • 动词fable的过去式和过去分词形式


1. celebrated in fable or legend

e.g. the fabled Paul Bunyan and his blue ox
legendary exploits of Jesse James

Synonym: legendary

1. 传奇的;充满传奇色彩的
If you describe a person or thing as fabled, especially someone or something remarkable, you mean that they are well known because they are often talked about or a lot of stories are told about them.

e.g. You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado.
e.g. ...the fabled city of Troy.

1. 寓言中的:fable 寓言 | fabled 寓言中的 | fabliau 寓言诗

2. 传说的:15. Legendary 传奇的 | 16. Fabled 传说的 | 17. Mythic 神话的

3. fabled在线翻译

3. 传说中的:13. spiky:长而尖的 | 14. fabled:传说中的 | 15. homecoming:回家

4. 传说荣耀:15.legendary传奇辉煌 | 16.fabled传说荣耀 | 17.mythic神话史诗

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

"So we went out and looked for these fabled groups," she said.(她说,“于是我们就动身去寻找这些寓言中的组群。”)
Is this the fabled Holy Bird flying to this treasure-ground to make its presence felt?(难道这是传说中的神鸟,飞到这块宝地显圣来了?)
Now astrophysicists say they've finally discovered this long-fabled belt of antiprotons.(现在天体物理学家说,他们终于发现了这条长期存在于传说中的反质子带。)
It had to be autumn (unless the fabled apple fell unseasonably) that inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity.(只有秋天才能激发牛顿发现万有引力定律的灵感,除非那只传说中的苹果落得不合季节。)
Combined with a scrap-metal business, the store is just enough to lift its owners into the ranks of India’s fabled middle class.(再加上一同经营的废金属生意,这件商店却足够让商店主人进入印度所谓的中产阶层行列。)
Your skin can reveal the stories of your life, from the fabled glow of pregnancy to the less-welcome spots that surface from sun damage.(通过你的皮肤可以透视出你的生活,不管是怀孕时脸上的一抹红晕,还是太阳照射损伤产生的淡淡斑点。)
The fabled Northwest Passage has made headlines ever since it thawed last year for the first time.(去年,西北航道首次出现融冰现象,自那以后,这条传说中的航道就频上报刊头条。)
His generous patronage of exiles of all stripes harks back to the fabled courts of Baghdad and Cairo, with their similarly fabulous wealth.(他对各种各样的流亡者给予慷慨的帮助,让人回想起了巴格达和开罗虚幻的宫廷,相似的是他们都拥有巨额的财富。)
The Lost City of Z, a fabled metropolis of unimagined riches deep in the Amazon rain forest, has eluded explorers for centuries.(城市Z是亚马逊雨林里传说中的一个富有的古城。)
Mexico City's fabled Estadio Azteca has been the backdrop for some of history's most unforgettable FIFA World Cup TM moments.(梦幻般的阿兹·特克球场位于墨西哥城,世界杯历史上几个最令人难忘的经典镜头都和它有关。)
fabled是什么意思 fabled在线翻译 fabled什么意思 fabled的意思 fabled的翻译 fabled的解释 fabled的发音 fabled的同义词