英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:02:51



英 [feɪθ]

美 [feθ]



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  • (宗教)信仰,信念
  • 信任,信赖
  • 信条,信义
  • 诚实
  • 信心
  • 保证
  • 诺言
  • 约定,(誓)约
  • 诚意
  • 信用
  • 费丝(女子名)
  • 教义
  • 教(派)
  • 忠实
  • 相信,信赖,信任
  • [U]信任,信仰,信心 trust; strong belief; unquestioning confidence
  • [U]宗教信仰 strong belief, in God or in an established religion



1. loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person

e.g. keep the faith
they broke faith with their investors

2. complete confidence in a person or plan etc

e.g. he cherished the faith of a good woman
the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust

Synonym: trust

3. a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny

e.g. he lost his faith but not his morality

Synonym: religionreligious belief

4. an institution to express belief in a divine power

e.g. he was raised in the Baptist religion
a member of his own faith contradicted him

Synonym: religionorganized religion

1. 相信;信任
If you have faith in someone or something, you feel confident about their ability or goodness.

e.g. She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh...
e.g. People have lost faith in the British Parliament.

2. 宗教
A faith is a particular religion, for example Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam.

e.g. England shifted officially from a Catholic to a Protestant faith in the 16th century.
英格兰于 16 世纪正式由天主教改信新教。

3. 宗教信仰
Faith is strong religious belief in a particular God.

e.g. Umberto Eco's loss of his own religious faith is reflected in his novels.

4. 背弃;对…不忠;脱离
If you break faith with someone you made a promise to or something you believed in, you stop acting in a way that supports them.

e.g. If we don't, we're breaking faith with our people!

5. 真诚地;真心实意地;好意地
If you do something in good faith, you seriously believe that what you are doing is right, honest, or legal, even though this may not be the case.

e.g. This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.

6. 信守(诺言);恪守
If you keep faith with someone you have made a promise to or something you believe in, you continue to support them even when it is difficult to do so.

e.g. He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles.

7. see also: article of faith;leap of faith

1. 信任:当一款新产品从上市到形成一定的忠诚度为止,它应该经过认同(Recognition)、预期(Expect)、试用(Trial)、行为(Behavior)、信任(Faith)五个阶段,而日本的学者在网络上把这五个阶段又重新划分为曝光率(Exposure)、吸引(Attraction)、

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    背信弃义地,存心不良地 breaking one's belief

1. in good faith : 诚心诚意地;

  • They adhered to the faith of their fathers.
  • What you tell me shatters my faith in human nature.
  • I'm sure she'll pass the test,I've got great faith in her.
  • He still has great talent, but he has lost faith in himself.
  • I haven't much faith in this medicine.
  • Have you any faith in what he says?
  • I've got deep faith in the essential goodness of human nature.
  • I've lost faith in that fellow.
  • He was brought up in the Christian faith.
  • She is Buddhist by faith.
  • It was an act of bad faith to betray one's friend.
用作名词 (n.)
  • To have faith in God is to surrender oneself to God.

    出自:J. H. Newman
  • Citizens who have lost faith in government and almost in democratic institutions too.

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  • 词源解说

  • faith的基本意思是指在心中对某人或某事形成了绝对的崇拜,或形成一种理念,即“信仰”,也可指对某人或某事充满了“信任,信心”。faith还可指“宗教信仰”。
  • faith在表示“信任…”时,后须接介词in。
  • faith后可接由that引起的同位语从句。
faith, belief, confidence, trust
  • 这组词都可以表示“相信”。其区别在于:
  • 1.faith指有事实依据证明某人或某物真实可靠,毋庸置疑; belief是普通用语,指没有经过自己亲自观察和亲身经历就去相信,即使事实不真或根本不存在也不产生怀疑。例如:
  • I have great belief in his ability to succeed.我相信他有能力获得成功。
  • confidence指根据自己的观察,有充分的理由和证据承认某事是正确的。例如:
  • I had confidence in my own youth and energy.我对自己的年轻和精力很有信心。trust指从本人直观感觉认为某人的行为是正确的、符合道德标准的,可以信托。例如:
  • A child usually has perfect trust in his mother.孩子通常都很信任自己的母亲。
  • 2.faith后可接that从句; belief后也可接that从句。例如:
  • Their great driving force is the belief that they are doing right.他们相信自己做得对的信念驱使他们前行。
  • confidence除可接that从句外,还可接动词不定式。例如:
  • I hadn't got enough confidence to go ahead .我没有足够的信心前进了。
  • trust除可用作名词外,还可用作动词。例如:
  • Can you trust his account of what happened?你相信他所说的这件事发生的原因吗?
  • n.(名词)

      Never lose your faith of the experiment.

      Never lose your faith in the experiment.

      表示“对…失去信心”,应该说lose one's faith in,其中介词in不可用其他介词替换。

    • ☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的feid;最初源自古典拉丁语的fides,意为信任,信仰。
    They do not have enough "faith".(他们没有足够的“信仰”。)
    During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith.(在这次磨难中,他得以从自己的信仰中吸取力量。)
    Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform.(一套制服能让人们对汽车修理工的技能更有信心。)
    All that the tourists see are the externals of our faith.(游客们所能看到的只是我们信仰的表面情况。)
    "I do not doubt thee," said the King, with a childlike simplicity and faith.(“我不怀疑你。”国王带着孩子般的天真和信任说。)
    Even in the bad times she never lost her faith.(即使在困难时期,她也从未丧失信仰。)
    The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.(公众从来都不相信他有处理这个工作的能力。)
    I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well.(我对你有信心—我知道你会干好的。)
    They were not very anxious, because they had such faith in Peter.(他们并不担心,因为他们对彼得很有信心。)
    She had an unshakable faith in human goodness and natural honesty.(她对人性的善良和天性的诚实有着不可动摇的信心。)
    faith是什么意思 faith在线翻译 faith什么意思 faith的意思 faith的翻译 faith的解释 faith的发音 faith的同义词