英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:04:53
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1. 穿凿附会的;不切实际的;牵强的
If you describe a story or idea as far-fetched, you are criticizing it because you think it is unlikely to be true or practical.

e.g. The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good.


1. 牵强附会的:ephemeral 朝生暮死的 | far-fetched 牵强附会的 | inveterate 根深蒂固的

2. far-fetched

2. 牵强的:Town-bred市镇出生的 | Far-fetched牵强的 | Hard-won难得的

3. 牵强附会,不自然:8. shrewdness 机敏,敏锐,犀利 | 9. far-fetched 牵强附会,不自然 | 10. fathom 看穿/透,推测,探索

4. far-fetched

4. 牵强附会:far-famed 名声远扬的 | far-fetched 牵强附会 | far-flung 广布的

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Some visions might be too far-fetched to be realized within the maturity limits of the enterprise.(有些远景可能在企业的成熟度限制内很难达到。)
Does this sound too far-fetched?(这听上去是否太牵强了?)
The idea that a dog could tell a red carpet from a housebreaking pad may sound far-fetched.(认为狗能把分辨狗尿垫和红色地毯的想法可能听起来很荒谬。)
My question is this: is there ever such a thing as an interpretation too far-fetched?(我的问题是,是否存在太过牵强的解读?)
It could even be something truly far-fetched - an alien invasion, giant lizards or a wave of famished zombies.(甚至有可能是其它一些更光怪陆离、让人难以置信的原因——外星人入侵、巨型蜥蜴或者一批饥饿丧尸的大规模侵袭。)
This is not so far-fetched, given how much outsourcing and collaboration between companies goes on today.(这不是那么牵强的,现今,公司之间有多少外包和协作在进行。)
This may all sound far-fetched, but the situation is serious and demands an urgent and imaginative response: any ideas you may have would be welcome.(这听起来可能有些牵强,但情况很严重,需要一个紧急而富有想象力的回应:欢迎你提出任何想法。)
Rumours of a takeover by Hanson are probably far-fetched, but the company is worried about other predators.(被汉森公司收购的谣言可能是捕风捉影,但公司仍担心其他觊觎者。)
The very notion that truth would be checked by a consensus of passing conscientious browsers was far-fetched.(认为路过的尽责浏览者的共识能够核实条目真实性的想法,有些不切实际。)
At the time, even his closest advisers dismissed the notion as far-fetched.(当时,即使是他最亲信的顾问也认为这一想法太不切实际。)
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