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更新时间:2024-11-11 13:03:25
  • 网络解释

1. 时装秀:不仅成为休闲、鉴赏的中心也是时装秀(FASHION SHOW)的理想舞台. 尼古拉不遗于力的在时装里注入的艺术的魅力,追求设计和面料的同时,不断的提升品牌的艺术涵养. 穿装Trussardi不断提示着你的教养、性情和高贵的血统.

2. 时装表演:时装表演(fashion show)是由时装模特在特定场所通过走台表演,展示时装的活动. 一般是在铺有长长的跑道式地毯的表演台上,模特穿上特制的时装和配以相应的饰品,以特定的步伐和节奏来回走动并做各种动作和造形. 时装模特是传递设计师意图的使者,

3. fashion show的近义词

3. 表演:时装表演简介 时装表演(fashion show)是指由时装模特在特定场所通过走台表演,展示时装的活动. 时装表演一般是在铺有长长的跑道式地毯的表演台上,模特穿......

4. fashion show的意思

4. 花生骚:编曲也是各走各的路,北京爱乐乐团的管弦拉开序幕,花生骚(Fashion Show)正式上演,梅艳芳艳丽登场,一袭黑衣短裙在电子舞曲撩动下起伏抑扬;十五秒后只见王菲肌肤凝雪,在琴声簇拥下莲步而出,两袖盈风裙裾飘逸,仿在仙乡.

In one classroom at Aiton Elementary School, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia is hosting a fashion show.(在爱顿小学校的一间教室里,沙特阿拉伯使馆正在主持一个时装表演。)
Firstly, some female travelers consider a journey as attending a fashion show.(首先,一些女性旅行者把旅行看作是参加一场时装秀。)
She is also a co-host of The Fashion Show.(她也是一家时尚秀的合作主持人。)
Photo 11: The spectacle of the C'N'C Costume National fashion show.(图十一:C'N'C全国服装展示季。)
She's going to watch a fashion show tomorrow evening.(她明晚打算去看时装表演。)
A pet dog fashion show was held in Rennes, France, on May 5, 2010.(5月5日,法国雷恩举行了一场宠物狗时装秀,展示了众多参展商为宠物狗们设计的服饰。)
Or you have to attend the fashion show at the shopping center atrium and throw strawberry gelatin from the mezzanine.(或者你得去购物中心往时装走秀的模特身上扔草莓布丁。)
They are discussing the fashion show with great interest.(他们正兴致勃勃地讨论时装展。)
The annual rabbit fashion show was held Sunday in Yokohama, Japan.(15日,日本横滨举行了一年一度的兔子时装大赛。)
The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show.(为时装表演,公司签约聘了三名顶尖模特儿。)
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