1. a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impact
Synonym: buffer
2. a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud
e.g. in Britain they call a fender a wing
Synonym: wing
3. a low metal guard to confine falling coals to a hearth
4. an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
Synonym: buffercowcatcherpilot
1. 壁炉围栏
A fender is a low metal wall built around a fireplace, which stops any coals that fall out of the fire from rolling onto the carpet.
e.g. ...a brass fender.
2. 同 fireguard
A fender is the same as a fireguard .
3. (汽车的)翼子板,挡泥板
The fenders of a car are the parts of the body over the wheels.
4. (汽车的)保险杠,缓冲装置
The fender of a car is a bar at the front or back that protects the car if it bumps into something.
5. (船只的)护舷
The fenders of a boat are objects which hang against the outside and protect it from damage when it comes next to a harbour wall or another boat.
1. fender
1. 挡泥板:下车一检查,我车子的右前挡泥板(fender)被对方车子的左前bumper撞凹,右前车门也没法打开了. 对方的车子只是在bumper上有一些刮伤. 这是我拿到驾照半年来第一次碰到车祸. 当时简直不敢相信这种麻烦事自己也碰上了. 对方车子上跳下来一个亚裔,
2. 叶子板:我公司是外资(韩国)企业,主营韩国产汽车配件的贸易公司.主要车型包括HYUNDAI;KIA;GMDAEWOO;CHEVROLET等.主要经营产品有车灯(LAMP车门(DOOR引擎盖(HOOD)叶子板(FENDER保险杠(BUMPER后备箱(TRUNK)等覆盖件.还有元宝梁(CROSSMEMBER
3. 翼板:嵌条 insertion strip | 翼板 fender | 斜撑 bracing piece
4. 档泥板:底盘chassis | 档泥板fender | 方向盘steering wheel
Those little fenders which prevent a ship from bumping too roughly against the quay.
出自:V. Sackville别人正在查