英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 11:38:08



英 [fləʊt]

美 [floʊt]



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形容词: floatable 过去式: floated 过去分词: floated 现在分词: floating 第三人称单数: floats

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  • 摇摆,动摇
  • 漂泊,(使)漂流,(使)漂浮,漂,(使)浮动,(使)浮起,浮现,浮
  • 付诸实施,实行
  • 在流通中,在传播中,散布,散播
  • 【经】(使)货币浮动
  • 筹资开办,成立
  • 提出,建议,提请考虑
  • 飘流,(使)飘动,飘逸
  • 淹没,以水注满
  • 轻盈走动,飘然移动
  • 游荡
  • 发行(股票)上市
  • 浮标,浮筒,浮子
  • 木筏
  • 漂游物,浮游物,浮萍,浮冰
  • 花车,彩车
  • 上面浮有冰淇淋的饮料
  • 【经】浮动
  • 漂浮
  • 备用零钱
  • 浮码头,浮船坞
  • 水箱浮球
  • 救生圈
  • 【机】浮体
  • 浮动时间
  • vt. & vi. (使)漂浮 (cause to) stay at the top of liquid or be held up in air without sinking
  • vi. 浮动 vary freely in value against other countries' money from day to day


1. an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy

Synonym: air bladderswim bladder

2. something that floats on the surface of water

3. a hand tool with a flat face used for smoothing and finishing the surface of plaster or cement or stucco

Synonym: plasterer's float

4. an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade

5. a drink with ice cream floating in it

Synonym: ice-cream sodaice-cream float

6. the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the public

7. the time interval between the deposit of a check in a bank and its payment


1. convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation

e.g. float data

2. allow (currencies) to fluctuate

e.g. The government floated the ruble for a few months

3. make the surface of level or smooth

e.g. float the plaster

4. put into the water

e.g. float a ship

5. move lightly, as if suspended

e.g. The dancer floated across the stage

6. set afloat

e.g. He floated the logs down the river
The boy floated his toy boat on the pond

7. be in motion due to some air or water current

e.g. The leaves were blowing in the wind
the boat drifted on the lake
The sailboat was adrift on the open sea
the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore

Synonym: driftbe adriftblow

8. be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom

Synonym: swim

9. circulate or discuss tentatively
test the waters with

e.g. The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform

1. (使)漂浮;(使)浮动
If something or someone is floating in a liquid, they are in the liquid, on or just below the surface, and are being supported by it. You can also float something on a liquid.

e.g. They noticed fifty and twenty dollar bills floating in the water.
e.g. ...barges floating quietly by the grassy river banks...

2. 漂;浮
Something that floats lies on or just below the surface of a liquid when it is put in it and does not sink.

e.g. Empty things float.

3. 浮体;浮板;救生圈
A float is a light object that is used to help someone or something float.

4. (钓鱼用的)鱼漂浮子
A float is a small object attached to a fishing line which floats on the water and moves when a fish has been caught.

5. (在空中)飘荡,飘浮
Something that floats in or through the air hangs in it or moves slowly and gently through it.

e.g. The white cloud of smoke floated away.
e.g. ...the sun's rays lighting up the dust floating in the air.

6. (声音或气味)飘到,传到
If a sound or smell floats to a place quite far away, it can be heard or smelled there.

e.g. Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie on the lush grass...
e.g. The smells of delicious foods floated all around him.

7. 优雅地走动;轻盈地走动
If you float somewhere, you walk there very lightly and gracefully.


e.g. Caroline floated up the aisle on her father's arm.

8. 提出(计划、方案或想法)
If you float a project, plan, or idea, you suggest it for others to think about.

e.g. The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN.

9. 使(公司)发行股票;使上市
If a company director floats their company, they start to sell shares in it to the public.

e.g. He floated his firm on the stock market...
e.g. The advisers are delaying the key decision on whether to float 60 per cent or 100 per cent of the shares.

10. (使)(货币)自由浮动
If a government floats its country's currency or allows it to float, it allows the currency's value to change freely in relation to other currencies.

e.g. A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges...
e.g. 59 per cent of people believed the pound should be allowed to float freely.

11. (节日游行时的)彩车,花车
A float is a truck on which displays and people in special costumes are carried in a festival procession.

12. (商店的)备用零钱
A float is a small amount of coins and notes of low value that someone has before they start selling things so that they are able to give customers change if necessary.


13. 传开;流传
A rumour or idea that is floating around is often heard or talked about.

e.g. There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.

相关词组:float around

1. float

1. 彩车:我们刚结束不久的游行演练是 parade rehearal,在国庆当天举行的群众欢庆游行是mass pageant,到时走在最前的是仪仗队或游行乐队,紧随其后的是方阵(square)和彩车(float).

2. 浮标:纪念品店也不少,许多都会以抓龙虾的圆形笼子(lobster trap)与五颜六色的大型浮标(float)作为装饰品吸引顾客. 所贩卖的商品少不了以龙虾为主题的周边产品,如龙虾造型冰箱磁铁,以及印有龙虾图案的T-shirt等. 最特别的地景是,

3. float

3. 漂浮

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    〈非正〉经常换工作 move frequently from job to job
  • She floated down the walk.
  • When you're tired of swimming, just float for a while.
  • Rafts floated down the river.
  • The logs float down the river to the paper factory.
  • Do we let Renminbi float?
  • It was decided to float the pound because a fixed value was damaging exports.
用作动词 (v.)
  • A romantic float in a gondola.

    出自:A. Thackeray
  • Her timbers yet are sound, And she may float again.

    出自:W. Cowper
  • Ice floats readily on water.

    出自:T. H. Huxley
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • float的基本意思是指在空气中、水面上或其他平滑的表面上轻盈地漂浮或不费力地迅速滑动,引申可指汇率、价格浮动,也可指人漫无目的地游来荡去。可用作不及物动词或及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
float, drift
  • 这两个词都可表示“漂浮”,前者可动也可不动,后者只指“漂动”。试比较:
  • The logs float on the river.
  • 圆木在河上漂浮着。
  • The logs floated down the river.
  • 圆木沿河流而下。
  • The logs drifted down the river.
  • 圆木沿河流而下。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的flot,意为浮,流动。
    They'll give you a whole new perspective on your Minecraft worlds as you float around free as a bird.(它们会给你一个全新的视角观赏你的世界,像鸟儿一样自由漂浮。)
    The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.(人们认为地壳分成了巨大的、可移动的部分,称为板块,这些板块漂浮在柔软可塑的岩石层上。)
    They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.(它们可以在空中飞行,漂浮在水里,还可以休眠好几个月。)
    The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off and float out to sea.(冰川的向前移动,其底部与海洋接触处的融化,还有波浪和潮汐运动,导致冰块断裂,漂浮到海上。)
    Scientists wanted to know how red fire ants float.(科学家们想知道红火蚁是如何实现漂浮的。)
    I'll float the skiff down there, and I'll pull it back again all by myself.(我让小艇浮在那儿,然后自己把它拉回来。)
    All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser semi-liquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.(所有板块都在缓慢移动,因为它们漂浮在密度更大的半液态地幔上,也就是地壳和地核之间的那一层。)
    John was treading the air mechanically, and Michael without knowing how to float was floating.(约翰机械地踩着空气,迈克尔本不知道如何漂浮,现在却正漂浮着。)
    It spreads primarily by underground stems; colonies form when pieces of the root system or whole plants float into an area and take root or when seeds float into a suitable area and germinate.(它主要通过地下茎传播;当根系统碎片或整个植物漂浮到一个区域并生根,或当种子漂浮到一个合适的区域并发芽时,菌落就形成了。)
    Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and deposited at random across the bare mountain flanks.(轻到能在微风中漂浮的孢子从更古老的地方被带到数千英里外,随意沉积在光秃秃的山侧。)
    float是什么意思 float在线翻译 float什么意思 float的意思 float的翻译 float的解释 float的发音 float的同义词