For the biggest beneficiaries of ratings have not been long-term bond investors but the Wall Street firms that used the system to foist misrated debt on them.(因为评级的最大受益人并非长期债券投资者,而是利用这套系统将错误评级的债务转嫁到投资人身上的华尔街公司们。)
Should not foist their own opinions into the original book.(译者不应把自己的意见偷偷地入原着中。)
Foist your unwanted friend off on another friend. friends of mine have used this strategy on me before. (They know who They are. )(把自己要绝交的朋友塞给另外一个朋友。我的朋友就曾对我用过这个方法。(谁做的谁知道。))
And so we see the first in the queue to foist coal horrors upon us already knocking at the door.(因此,我们注意到,强加于我们的煤炭恐怖已经首先敲门了。)
For the rest of his life Krishnamurti insistently rejected the guru status that others tried to foist upon him.(在他的余生中克里希那穆提一直坚拒他人尝试强加于他的印度教宗师的地位。)
Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society Which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters.(它的数值是由该社会中的一小部分人决定的,他们作为这类问题的仲裁人员已设法把他们的意志强加在我们身上。)
A man who murdered his wife tried to foist the responsibility for his crime onto a neighbour.(一名谋杀了自己妻子的男人子试图将自己的罪行强加于一邻居身上。)
The answer: They are as likely to actually hurt performance and engagement as they are to help — if they simply foist more collaborative demands on an already-overloaded workforce.(答案是:如果对一个已经超负荷工作的人再强其所难的让他结交更多的人脉以利于工作---这么做表面上看起来是在帮助他,但是事实上结果却更倾向于对其工作表现和其现有的人际关系产生有害的作用。)
You can't foist your ideas on me.(你不能把你的观点强加于我。)
Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters.(它的数字价值被这个社会的已经设计了它的一小部分人所决定并将其强加于做为如此事情的公断人的我们中的其他部分。)
foist是什么意思 foist在线翻译 foist什么意思 foist的意思 foist的翻译 foist的解释 foist的发音 foist的同义词