Buena Vista, Colorado, in hopes of photographing colorful fall foliage.(今天一大早我进了科罗拉多州维斯塔的西部山区,期望能拍摄到彩色的秋天树叶。)
This photo captures the range of foliage color seen only in Autumn.(这张照片抓住了只有秋季才能看到树叶颜色的变化范围。)
A South American bird that forages for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down form the foliage of tall trees.(一种南美洲的鸟,倒挂在高大的树上,觅食有翼的白蚁和其他小昆虫。)
The fall foliage had turned colors.(秋天,树叶改变了颜色。)
Block out the head's "hair." That's just a collection of foliage in the background.(头像的头发只是一些背景树叶。)
The Tree trembled so in every bough that one of the tapers set fire to the foliage.(枞树的每根枝子都在发抖,弄得一根蜡烛烧着了一根枝子。)
There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.(那时我们家门口有两棵枝广叶茂的大橡树。)
It was so thick, and the foliage so dense, that it was quite fatiguing to proceed.(它是那么茂密,树叶是那么稠密,要往前走是很累的。)
Also, bandits might hide in the foliage.(还有,强盗可能躲在里面。)
Yellow, green, orange and coral foliage line this lively forest path in Minnesota.(黄色、绿色、橙色和珊瑚色的枝叶排列在明尼苏达州生气勃勃森林的路径上。)
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