Can you tell me how to get to the railway station? Walk over the footbridge, then go straight on.(你能告诉我怎样到达火车站吗?走过人行天桥,然后一直走。)
The structure stands on stilts in apark and visitors enter across a long wooden footbridge.(博物馆位于公园内,架在几根立柱上。游客通过一条长长的木制人行桥进入馆内,感觉就像是登上一艘临时停靠在新鲁汶的飞船。)
Please use the footbridge over there. It's safe.(请你使用那边的人行桥。它很安全。)
She forgot about Mandeni coming and met him on the footbridge.(她忘了玛德尼正往这走,一下子在人行桥上撞见了他。)
Some venues were unfinished, a footbridge collapsed and rooms for athletes were found to be filthily uninhabitable.(一些场馆尚未完工,天桥坍塌,为运动员们准备的房间被评价为肮脏且不适合居住。)
You may cross the street by the footbridge.(你可以走过街天桥过马路。)
The sturdy footbridge would easily support the weight of a small truck.(这座结实的小桥完全可以承受一辆小卡车的重量。)
The footbridge over the river is no longer in use.(河上的人行桥已不再使用了。)
There is a footbridge over there for people to walk across.(那儿有一座供人行走的人行桥。)
The swollen river washed away the footbridge.(泛滥的河水冲走了人行桥。)
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