英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 14:29:02



英 [fɔ:k]

美 [fɔ:rk]




名词: forker 过去式: forked 过去分词: forked 现在分词: forking 第三人称单数: forks

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  • 岔路,分岔,岔口
  • 餐叉,叉子,肉叉
  • 耙,叉
  • 岔流,支流
  • 树叉,木叉
  • 分歧点;分岔处
  • 【音】调音叉
  • 叉状闪电
  • 同时可攻两个棋子的棋着
  • 叉状物
  • 车叉子
  • 扒手
  • 耙,叉起
  • 使成叉状,使分叉
  • 分歧,分叉
  • 用叉抛举,用叉叉起,用耙耙
  • 同时进攻(两个棋子)
  • 交付,支付
  • 放弃
  • 叉运,叉掘
  • 大把掏钱,大量花钱
  • 走岔路
  • [C]餐叉 a thing with long points at one end, that you use for putting food in your mouth
  • [C]耙子,叉 a large tool with points at one end, that you use for digging the ground
  • [C](道路或河流的)分岔处 a place where a road or river divides into two parts
  • vi. 分叉 divide into two parts
  • vt. 走岔路 take one fork of road, path, etc.
  • vt. 叉; 耙 lift, move, turn soil, grass, etc. with a fork
  • vt. 支付 pay (money)


1. the act of branching out or dividing into branches

Synonym: branchingramificationforking

2. cutlery used for serving and eating food

3. an agricultural tool used for lifting or digging
has a handle and metal prongs

4. the angle formed by the inner sides of the legs where they join the human trunk

Synonym: crotch

5. the region of the angle formed by the junction of two branches

e.g. they took the south fork
he climbed into the crotch of a tree

Synonym: crotch



1. shape like a fork

e.g. She forked her fingers

2. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork

e.g. The road forks

Synonym: branchramifyfurcateseparate

3. place under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces

4. lift with a pitchfork

e.g. pitchfork hay

Synonym: pitchfork

1. 叉;餐叉
A fork is a tool used for eating food which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.


e.g. ...knives and forks.

2. 用叉子叉
If you fork food into your mouth or onto a plate, you put it there using a fork.

e.g. Ann forked some fish into her mouth...
e.g. He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.

3. 叉,耙(园艺工具)
A garden fork is a tool used for breaking up soil which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.

4. 叉运,叉掘(肥料、干草等)
If you fork something such as manure or hay, you move it from one place to another using a large garden fork.

e.g. They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing...
e.g. Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.

5. (道路、河流等的)分岔处,分流处;分岔;岔路
A fork in a road, path, or river is a point at which it divides into two parts and forms a 'Y' shape.

e.g. We arrived at a fork in the road...
e.g. The road divides; you should take the right fork.

6. (道路、河流等)分岔
If a road, path, or river forks, it forms a fork.

e.g. Beyond the village the road forked...
e.g. The path dipped down to a sort of cove, and then it forked in two directions.

7. 走岔路
If you fork in a particular direction when you are travelling along a road or path, you choose one of the forks in it and travel down it.

e.g. Just before the town boundary fork left onto a minor road.

8. 付钱;大把花钱
If you fork out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.

e.g. He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina...
e.g. You don't ask people to fork out every time they drive up the motorways...

相关词组:fork out

1. 叉:男主人(host)坐在桌子的一端,女主人(hostess)坐在另一端,通常安排座位时要尽量避免两位男宾或两位女宾并坐在一起.就餐时,身体要坐得端正,身体和餐桌间距离以能使用刀(knife),叉(fork),匙(spoon)和饮食方便为度,

2. 叉子:至于英语,我的一帮从澳大利亚回来的朋友说,空学了六年英语,连筷子(chopsticks)叉子(fork)盐(salt)等吃所必备的东西和厕所(toilet)抽水马桶(toiletbowl)草纸(toilet paper) 等拉所必备的东西都不知道怎么说,

3. 前叉:你个车架尾drop out和前叉(fork) 系几多mm(粗芯定幼芯)??p.s. 你个车架尾drop out和前叉(fork) 系几多mm(粗芯定幼芯)??p.s. 你个车架尾drop out和前叉(fork) 系几多mm(粗芯定幼芯)??

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    决定性的时刻 point or moment of decision
    耙入 move sth into sth with a fork
    fork sth into sth

    We have to fork the hay into the wagon.


1. fork out : 支付, 放弃;

  • They usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon.
  • Set the table with knives and forks.
  • We use forks for digging the ground.
  • Take the right fork.
  • They parted at the fork.
  • We came to a fork in a road, and we couldn't decide whether to take the left or the right.
  • The road forks further ahead.
  • You will see our house just before the road forks.
  • The river forks just before it reaches town.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • People were eating cream cakes with tiny silver forks.

    出自:J. Johnston
  • The Tree, In two faire branches forking fruitfully.

    出自:J. Sylvester
  • The lightning forked and flashed.

    出自:M. Reid
  • They came to where the track forked to their respective crofts.

    出自:C. Mackenzie
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • fork的意思是“餐叉,耙子,叉,(道路或河流的)分岔处”,是可数名词。
  • fork用作名词的意思是“叉子,耙,(路、河、树)的分岔处”,转化为动词则为“叉起,耙起,在分岔处拐弯”的意思。
  • fork可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的forca,意为叉。
They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached.(他们(尤其是魁北克省和阿尔伯塔省)只是想让渥太华在没有任何附加条件的情况下再支付数十亿美元。)
We arrived at a fork in the road.(我们来到了该路的一个岔口。)
Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife.(中国人用筷子,西方人用刀叉。)
We parted at the fork of a road.(我们在叉路口分手。)
The road divides; you should take the right fork.(路分岔了;你应该走右岔路。)
His appetite for inventions went back to his childhood when he had devised a fork and spoon that could fit into a penknife.(他对发明的兴趣可以追溯到他的童年时代,那时他发明了一种可以放入小刀的叉子和勺子。)
He poked at the spaghetti with a fork.(他用叉子拨弄着面条。)
She speared an olive with her fork.(她用叉子扎起一个橄榄。)
She stabbed the air with her fork.(她用叉子在空中比画。)
Shortly before dusk they reached a fork and took the left-hand track.(快到黄昏时,他们来到一个岔路口,沿着左边的小径走去了。)
fork是什么意思 fork在线翻译 fork什么意思 fork的意思 fork的翻译 fork的解释 fork的发音 fork的同义词