英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 13:40:38


英 ['fɔ:tɪəθ]

美 [ˈfɔrtiɪθ]



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  • 第四十
  • 第四十个的
  • 四十分之一
  • 第四十(个)
  • 第四十的
  • 四十分之一的
  • 第四十个的
  • 40th


1. position 40 in a countable series of things


1. the ordinal number of forty in counting order

Synonym: 40th

1. 第四十
The fortieth item in a series is the one that you count as number forty.


e.g. It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer.
这是该作曲家逝世 40 周年纪念日。

1. 第四十:thirtieth第三十 | fortieth第四十 | fiftieth第五十

2. 第四十;四十分之一:thirtieth 第三十,三十分之一 | fortieth 第四十;四十分之一 | fiftieth 第五十;五十分之一

3. fortieth

3. 第四十年:玉石 Jade | 第四十年 Fortieth | 红宝石 Ruby

4. 第四十,第四十个:thirtieth第三十,第三十个 | fortieth第四十,第四十个 | fiftieth第五十,第五十个

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  • 临近词

They arranged a very interesting event to celebrate their parents' fortieth wedding anniversary.(子女们为父母的宝石婚纪念日策划了一个有趣的活动。)
My office is on the fortieth floor.(我办公室在第四十楼。)
It's very common for runners to have anxiety dreams about a race, whether it's their first or their fortieth.(这都是赛跑者共有的关于一场比赛焦虑的幻想,无论这是他们的第一场还是第四十场赛事。)
John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.(下个月,John和我将庆祝我们的结婚四十周年纪念日。)
Subject: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world?(主题:Re:《福布斯》——全球第四十名最具影响力的女性?)
The model represents his love for his wife, Pope explains, and he hopes to give it to her as a fortieth anniversary present in two months.(Pope向他说明,这模型代表了狱长对他妻子的爱,他希望能在两个月后,将它作为他们结婚四十周年的礼物送给她。)
In the fortieth year of David's reign a search was made in the records, and capable men among the Hebronites were found at Jazer in Gilead.(大卫作王第四十年,在基列的雅谢,从这族中寻得大能的勇士。)
Cousins even to the fortieth remove would flock thither to hear the will read.(稍有一点沾亲的老表们也都来听宣读遗嘱。你在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了。)
But now that his fortieth birthday had passed, he was down to this one male friend, sort of like a hotel lobby at two in the morning, where a lone guest sits bent low over a cup of coffee.(过了四十岁,男人中,就剩下这一个,像凌晨两点的酒店大堂,偶尔有一个人坐在那里,低头喝咖啡。)
Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.(是威廉王朝的第40任君主。)
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