英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:53:56



英 [ˈgæŋgri:n]

美 [ˈɡæŋˌɡrin, ɡæŋˈɡrin]



形容词: gangrenous 过去式: gangrened 过去分词: gangrened 现在分词: gangrening 第三人称单数: gangrenes

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  • 【医】坏疽
  • 脱疽
  • 腐败堕落的根源
  • 腐败
  • 堕落
  • 坏死
  • 树瘤
  • 道德败坏
  • 生坏疽
  • 腐烂,腐败
  • 使腐化
  • 使生坏疽


1. the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)

Synonym: necrosismortificationsphacelus

2. necrotic tissue
a mortified or gangrenous part or mass

Synonym: sphacelusslough


1. undergo necrosis

e.g. the tissue around the wound necrosed

Synonym: necrosemortifysphacelate

1. 坏疽
Gangrene is the decay that can occur in a part of a person's body if the blood stops flowing to it, for example as a result of illness or injury.


e.g. Once gangrene has developed the tissue is dead.

1. 坏疽:坏死(necrosis) 坏疽(gangrene) 见于坏死性口炎 萎缩(atrophy) 萎缩性舌炎、干燥综合征 皲裂(rhagades) 口角炎、慢性唇炎 结节(nodule) 纤维瘤、痣 肿瘤(tumour) 良性肿瘤:乳头状瘤 恶性肿瘤:鳞癌 口腔粘膜病的急症范围 溃疡糜烂

2. gangrene的解释

2. 壞疸:天然有效的漱口水 在1858年,细菌学家路易斯巴斯德(LouisPasteur)就已经发现大蒜的杀菌效果,到了第一次、第二次世界大战的时候,大蒜在战争医院用来杀菌、避免伤口演变成坏疸(Gangrene),以预防截肢.

3. 坏趄:gang welding 组合焊接 | gangrene 坏趄 | gangway door 舷门

4. 腐败堕落的根源:gangrene 使生坏疽 | gangrene 腐败堕落的根源 | gangrenecellulitis 疽

  • 经典引文

  • The Gangrene of that Heresy began to spread it self into this Island.

    出自:T. Fuller
Wounds inflicted on the subjects were infected with bacteria such as Streptococcus, gas gangrene, and tetanus.(强加到实验对象身上的伤口被感染链球菌、芽孢梭菌属厌氧菌、破伤风菌等细菌。)
Gangrene set in and he had to have his leg amputated.(他的腿生了坏疽,必须截除。)
When gangrene set in, his foot have to be amputate.(他的脚生了坏疽,必须解除。)
What is gangrene? What causes it?(什么是坏疽,它是由什么引起的?)
Whenever I think of man’s abject poverty, his rot, his spreading gangrene, I am gripped by mortal despair.(每当我想到人类的一贫如洗,他的腐朽,他散布的毒疽,我已被道德的绝望所攫住。)
Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene.(常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。)
It accumulates in the body resulting in nails rotting, dark spots, bleeding sores, swelling, large warts and a form of gangrene.(进入人体后,会造成指甲腐烂,身体上出现黑斑,皮肤溃疡,水肿,疣,坏疽等现象。)
Wet gangrene was a main type of DF.(湿性坏疽为DF的主要类型。)
After hyperbaric oxygen therapy was given, digital gangrene improved.(而在高压氧治疗后,剩馀手指坏疽改善。)
Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.(摘要福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。)
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