Marriage gauze puts on to people all say, it was the most beautiful woman.(人们都说,穿上婚纱的那一刻是女人最美丽的时候。)
I caught up with a nitrate train, chugging along, its open wagons trailing a gauze of white mist.(有一列拉硝酸钠矿石的火车隆隆前行,敞开的车厢上吹起一阵白雾。)
Her left elbow was wrapped in gauze, but she otherwise appeared alert.(她左臂用纱布裹着,但是她还是很警觉的。)
It's almost like a green gauze veil.(它几乎就像一块绿色的薄纱。)
there are procedures for the proper handling and disposal of waste (like needles or gauze with blood on them)(有处理和丢弃手术垃圾的流程指导(如穿刺针或者带血的纱布))
One of his relatives, a pharmacist, was picked up a few days ago carrying gauze and saline solution.(这名医生的一个药剂师亲戚就在几天前因为运送纱布和生理盐水被带走。)
I unwrap the tape and gauze-pink with my blood-from my fingers, balancing them in my hand, and consider throwing them at him.(我解开手指上的胶布和被血染成粉红色的纱布,在手里掂量着它们,恨不得扔到他头上。)
SAM Medical Celox Trauma Gauze(SAM医用止血王创伤绷带)
Happiness is waving white gauze dancing in the wind!(幸福,是飘扬的白纱在风中舞蹈!)
Gently place a shield or gauze patch over the eye until you can get medical attention.(轻轻的在眼睛上放一个遮蔽物或者纱布直到你能受到医疗救治。)
手机查看gauze的意思,关注 好工具hao86 公众号后发送 gauze 即可