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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:42:02



英 [dʒɜ:ˈmeɪn]

美 [dʒɜ:rˈmeɪn]


副词: germanely 名词: germaneness

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1. 有密切关系的;有重要关联的
Something that is germane to a situation or idea is connected with it in an important way.

e.g. ...the suppression of a number of documents which were very germane to the case...
e.g. Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane.

1. 锗烷:germanide 锗化物 | germane 锗烷 | German silver 德银

2. 有密切关系的:gentleman绅士 | germane有密切关系的 | germ幼芽

3. 有密切关系的,贴切的:genuine 真的,真诚的 | germane 有密切关系的;贴切的 | glossy 光泽的,光滑的

4. 有关系的;适切的:gauche#笨拙的;粗鲁的 | germane#有关系的;适切的 | glassy#如镜的;透明的

But the Justice Department, in its appeal Tuesday, called the funding condition "highly germane" to the overall goal of fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV.(不过星期二司法部在它的裁决中称基金会的情况和抗击AIDS和HIV蔓延的总体目标保持高度一致。)
Binder lists 33 tests from Meyers' original procedural solution and provides 32 more tests that are germane to the object-oriented nature of the problem.(binder从meyers的原始程序解决方案中列出了33个测试,并提供了32个与面向对象的问题属性有密切关系的测试。)
"You may feel confused, ashamed, even depressed," says Anne Perschel, President of Germane Consulting and an organizational psychologist who coaches executives and helps employees change careers.(“你可能会感到混乱,甚至会绝望”。GermaneConsulting公司的总裁AnnePerschel,也是一位帮助员工转行、指导经理的管理心理学家,她如是说。)
The following are a few research questions that seem especially germane to each of these areas.(以下的几个研究的问题正好与这些方面有著很密切的联系。)
Alan Johnson: Charlie collects things from his life. You know, things that he finds germane to his lifestyle.(艾伦•强森:查理收集他生活中的东西,和他生活模式相近的东西。)
When in doubt as to whether or not your review is germane to the subject, contact a moderator directly for approval before you write your report.(当你犹豫你的测评是否与与主题相关时,在你写报告之前联络一个仲裁者获得批准。)
The paper is organized around four questions that are germane to organizational research.(本文是围绕四个问题是有密切关系的组织研究。)
Most important, it articulates its academic requirements in exquisite detail, and focuses on those measures of institutional performance that are most germane to its mission.(更重要的是,它非常详细的阐述了其学术要求,还表明自己关注那与其学术任务最密切相关的机构表现。)
The statement was germane to the argument.(这陈述与讨论相符。)
See the sections on Assignments and Exams for further expectations germane to this course.(对本课程的进一步的期望请见作业与测验网页。)
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