英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:45:41


英 [ˈgleɪʃl]

美 [ˈɡleʃəl]


副词: glacially

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1. extremely cold

e.g. an arctic climate
a frigid day
gelid waters of the North Atlantic
glacial winds
icy hands
polar weather

Synonym: arcticfrigidgelidicypolar

2. devoid of warmth and cordiality
expressive of unfriendliness or disdain

e.g. a frigid greeting
got a frosty reception
a frozen look on their faces
a glacial handshake
icy stare
wintry smile

Synonym: frigidfrostyfrozenicywintry

3. relating to or derived from a glacier

e.g. glacial deposit

1. 冰河的;冰川的;由冰川形成的
Glacial means relating to or produced by glaciers or ice.

e.g. ...a true glacial landscape with U-shaped valleys.
e.g. ...rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period.

2. 冷淡的;冷若冰霜的
If you say that a person, action, or atmosphere is glacial, you mean that they are very unfriendly or hostile.

e.g. The Duchess's glare was glacial...
e.g. Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.

3. 冰川般运动的;极其缓慢的
If you say that something moves or changes at a glacial pace, you are emphasizing that it moves or changes very slowly.

e.g. Change occurs at a glacial pace.

4. (常指美女)冷若冰霜的,冰美人似的
If you describe someone, usually a woman, as glacial, you mean they are very beautiful and elegant, but do not show their feelings.

e.g. Her glacial beauty is magnetic.


1. 冰川的:glacial till 冰碛物 | glacial 冰川的 | glacial-interglacial cycle 冰期-间冰期旋回

2. glacial的反义词

2. 冰河的:gismondite 多水高岭土 | glacial 冰河的 | glacial amphitheater 粒雪盆

3. 冰的:glacial period 冰川时期 | glacial 冰的 | glacialist 冰河学者

4. 冰的冰状的冰河的极冷的:givewayvessel 让路船义务船 | glacial 冰的 冰状的 冰河的 极冷的 | glacial 冰的冰状的冰河的极冷的

  • 经典引文

  • We were too angry..for anything but the stiffest and most glacial farewell.

    出自:W. Golding
  • Central Siberia, bounded by the glacial waters of the Arctic Ocean.

    出自:C. Thubron
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did.(相比于大陆冰川沉积物,海洋沉积物提供了更完整的更新世时期的地质记录。)
The water was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.(水里总是遍布鹅卵石、砾石和沙子——它们被称为冰水沉积,是在水流减缓时沉积下来的。)
Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores—vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.(近代的探险队已经从绿色冰山和冰核中带回了一些冰块样本,这些样本呈垂直的圆柱状,是沿着南极洲大陆的冰川冰架从极深的位置中取出的。)
Recent studies do in fact show that high carbon dioxide levels are associated with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with cold glacial periods.(最近的研究确实表明,高二氧化碳水平与温暖的间冰期有关,而低二氧化碳水平与寒冷的冰期有关。)
To locate the optimal drill site, the team had to conduct the first detailed characterisation of the physiography of a sub-glacial lake.(为了确定最佳的钻探点,研究小组首先要确定详细的冰河湖的地貌。)
When snowfalls on high mountains or in polar regions, it may become part of the glacial system.(当雪落在高山或极地地区时,它可能成为冰川系统的一部分。)
Change occurs at a glacial pace.(变化来得极为缓慢。)
The good news is that Congress moves at a glacial pace.(好消息就是国会也在行动。)
It was formed as a limestone cave during the glacial period.(它是于冰河时期形成的石灰岩洞。)
Researchers call it the glacial buzz-saw.(研究人员称其为“冰锯”。)
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