英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:45:48



英 [gleɪd]

美 [ɡled]



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  • 林中空地
  • 林间空地
  • 沼泽地
  • 冰湖
  • 湿地
  • 沼地
  • 格拉德(音译名)


1. a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area

Synonym: clearing

1. 林中空地
A glade is a grassy space without trees in a wood or forest.

e.g. ...a woodland glade.

1. glade的意思

1. 湿地:glacon 浮冰块 | glade 湿地 | glance 闪躲 擦亮 疾行


2. 林间空地:gladden 使喜悦 | glade 林间空地 | gladiate 剑状的

3. glade的近义词

3. 林中空地:glaciation 冰河酌 | glade 林中空地 | gland 腺

4. 沼泽:glad 高兴的 | glade 沼泽 | gladness 欢乐

The traveler sit on a glade in the forest.(旅行者坐在森林中一块空地上。)
I am so glade to read your article.(我看你的文章等沼泽。)
I leave the gay saloon of New York for the green glade of the country.(我岭廓了纽约级乐的酒店,链到乡村峦色的林间空地。)
Queen: Take her far into the forest. Find a secluded glade, where she can pick wild flowers.(王后:把她带到偏远的森林里去,找一个隐蔽的地方,让她去采采野花。)
Are you glade you can no longer see me?(你会因为看不见我而高兴吗?)
They headed for a wooded glade favoured by barbecuing Muscovites, and began clearing leaves and rubbish.(他们走向莫斯科人进行过烧烤活动的林间空地,开始清扫树叶和垃圾。)
The original glade was crossed by a natural path through the house to the moor.(一条天然形成的小路穿过沼泽来到小院。)
I'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play.(我愿成为一片丢失的林中空地,独角兽在此玩耍。)
Adjust the guide glade.(调节导叶的开度。)
Grazing in the glade.(放牧于林间空地。)
glade是什么意思 glade在线翻译 glade什么意思 glade的意思 glade的翻译 glade的解释 glade的发音 glade的同义词