英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:47:35


英 [ˈglɒtɪs]

美 [ˈglɑ:tɪs]


名词复数: glottises

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1. the vocal apparatus of the larynx
the true vocal folds and the space between them where the voice tone is generated

1. 声门:喉腔的人口为喉口(Aditus laryngis),喉腔的侧壁各有一声韧带(Lig.vocale),为勺状软骨至甲状软骨间的韧带,外被覆粘膜形成声带褶(Plicavocalis),两声带褶间形成的裂隙称声门裂(Rimaglottidis),声门褶和声门裂共同构成声门(Glottis).

  • 临近词

Also there should be such simple apparatus as a crocodile clamp in the emergency room to rapidly remove foreign bodies inlaid in the glottis.(急诊室应常规备有鳄鱼钳等简单器械,以利迅速取出嵌顿于声门的异物。)
When underwater, the animals pushed water past their gills while simultaneously pushing the glottis down.(当处于水下时,动物会把水推入到腮里,同时也把声门关闭了。)
Conclusion: For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable.(结论:经过仔细选择病例,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。)
Methods Retrospective analyzed the nursing CARES of 31 patients who have accepted the semiconductor laser operation to cure early glottis cancer.(方法回顾分析31例接受半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌患者的护理过程。)
Incomplete closure of the glottis with hoarseness of voice is usually caused by vocal cord paralysis and weakness of laryngeal muscles of phonation.(声带麻痹和喉肌力弱均会使声门闭合不良,而造成声音嘶哑。)
For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable.(经过仔细选择病例,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。)
Conclusion Nursing measures included mental nursing, respiratory management, monitoring the vital signs can effective advance the recovery of patients with early glottis cancer.(结论术前进行心理护理,消除焦虑情绪;术后注意生命体征的观察,做好呼吸道管理,积极预防和处理并发症,有助于患者早日康复。)
In hiccupping, we use ancient muscles to quickly close the glottis while sucking in (albeit air, not water).(在打嗝的过程中,我们用古老的肌肉很快的关闭声门,在我们吸东西时(空气不是水)。)
Nasointestinal tube; Glottis exposing difficulty; Intubation, intratracheal.(鼻肠管;声门暴露困难;插管法,气管内。)
According to singing principle, break will take place when singer cannot coordinate breath during opening and closing of the glottis.(根据这个原理,当歌唱者在声门的“冲开”和“闭合”环节上不能与气息相辅相成地协调工作时就会产生破音。)
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