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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:47:48
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  • 右旋糖
  • 【化】葡萄糖


1. a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms
an important source of physiological energy

1. 葡萄糖
Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.



1. 尿糖:举例来说,尿液中的尿糖(Glucose)以及酮体(ketone)含量,可以反映出糖尿徵兆. 消费者只要把试纸浸入清晨起床的第一泡尿内,观察呈色结果即可. 尿液检测也可判断肾脏健康. 李怀德表示,主要是检测尿中的蛋白质(Protein)以及潜血(Blood)的含量.

2. 血糖:但会被不正常血色素影响Fructosamine 醣化蛋白质 mg/dl 205-285 (A)糖尿病控制血糖2-3周的平均值. (B)比血糖(Glucose)测定稳定,因血糖(Glucose)易受饮食影响. 09特殊生化检查 (BLOOD GAS) 血液气体分析 血液中酸碱度及气体含量测定

3. 葡萄糖,血糖:)、CEA(癌胚抗原)、CA19-9、PSA(前列腺特异性抗原)、胰岛素、甲状腺全套:T3、T4、FT3、FT4、TSH、rT3 雌激素全套:泌乳素、雌二醇、睾酮、孕酮、促黄体生成素、促卵泡成熟素 化验项目 1.葡萄糖/血糖 (Glucose) 血糖是组成人体的重要成分之一,

4. glucose是什么意思

4. glucose:glu; 葡萄糖

Tumor cells use more glucose than other cells.(肿瘤细胞的成长相比于其它细胞需要更多的葡萄糖。)
Diabetics cannot metabolize glucose properly.(糖尿病患者不能使葡萄糖进行恰当的新陈代谢。)
When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis.(给予正常进食的动物2DG时,大量葡萄糖到达细胞,但药物阻止了大部分葡萄糖的处理,从而减少了ATP的合成。)
The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.(现在认为糖尿病经常伴有的并发症,如视力和肾功能损害,是由于缺乏对血糖浓度的持续控制所致。)
The aim is to observe the glucose-lowering effect of stilbenoid E1.(目的观察二苯乙烯类化合物E1的降糖作用。)
Glucose is soluble in water.(葡萄糖可溶于水。)
Glucose-free solutions remained clear, but solutions with glucose caused the proteins to form clusters, suggesting that the molecules had become cross-linked.(不含葡萄糖的溶液仍然清晰可见,但含有葡萄糖的溶液会使蛋白质形成团簇,这表明分子已经交联。)
After the animal is killed, glycogen falls apart into glucose.(动物被杀后,肝糖元分解为葡萄糖。)
Normally, the brain USES glucose as a fuel.(正常说来,大脑用葡萄糖作为燃料。)
It carries lots of other things, too, such as glucose.(而实际上它还携带其他许多东西,如葡萄糖。)
glucose是什么意思 glucose在线翻译 glucose什么意思 glucose的意思 glucose的翻译 glucose的解释 glucose的发音 glucose的同义词