英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:48:06


英 ['glɪkəʊdʒen]

美 ['glaɪkoʊdʒən]


形容词: glycogenic

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  • 【生化】糖原
  • 肝糖
  • 动物淀粉
  • 糖原质
  • 【化】肝糖
  • 糖元
  • 牲粉


1. one form in which body fuel is stored
stored primarily in the liver and broken down into glucose when needed by the body

Synonym: animal starch

1. 糖原:单糖:醛糖:葡萄糖(glucose)、半乳糖(galactose)、甘露糖(mannose)多糖:淀粉(starch) 、纤维素(cellulose) 糖原(glycogen)一、糖酵解(glycolysis)研究历史细胞内绝大部分葡萄糖的分解代谢是通过有氧氧化生成ATP而供能的,此外还存在其他代谢途径,

2. 肝糖:3)肝糖(glycogen)与淀粉粒. 这是葡萄糖的时,肝糖为红色,淀粉粒为蓝色,这是由于多聚体链的长度和分枝程度的不同所致. 在完整细胞中,核糖体(ribosome)常聚结成不同大小的聚合体,称作聚核糖体. 但细胞被打碎后,聚核糖体易分开,

3. 糖元:尿酸(uric acid),尿素(urea),氨. 尚含不含氮的化合物,如:脂肪,乳酸(lactic acid),糖元(glycogen),无机盐. 以上诸种物质,大都是中肉的原来成分;明胶之类;则大部分是在制作中变化而产生的.

4. 动物淀粉:注1: glycogen : 动物淀粉(glycogen)是动物储存的多醣,储存于肝脏的称为肝动物淀粉(liver glycogen),储存于肌肉的称为肌动物淀粉(muscle glycogen),完全水解后会得到葡萄糖分子.

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Long runs also teach the body to use fat rather than glycogen, or stored sugar, as a fuel source.(长距离还能教您的身体如何以脂肪为燃料,而不是糖原或储备的糖。)
Polysaccharides: starch dextrin cellulose and glycogen all of which are made of chains of glucose.(多糖:淀粉、糊精、纤维素和糖原,而这一切都是由糖链。)
'However,' he warns, 'fruit will only replenish liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen.(然而,他警告说,“水果只会补充肝糖原而不是肌糖原。”)
The polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates, including starch, glycogen, and cellulose.(多糖是复杂的碳水化合物,包括淀粉、糖原和纤维素。)
If runners with big muscles can store more glycogen, why don't big runners race marathons faster than smaller runners?(如果肌肉发达的跑步者可以储备更多糖原,为什么在马拉松比赛时,魁梧的跑步者不比瘦小的更快?。)
Conclusion the glycogen assay possesses diagnostic value for chlamydia trachoma tis infection of vervical smear.(结论糖原试验对泌尿生殖道沙眼衣原体感染有一定诊断价值。)
You can blow through your glycogen stores (carbohydrate stores) during a heavy lifting workout.(在你高强度的举重训练中,你会消耗大量的糖类储备。)
Answer: When you run for under 90 minutes, most of your energy comes from stored muscle glycogen.(答案:当你跑步低于90分钟,你的大部分能量来自储存的肌肉糖原。)
After the animal is killed, glycogen falls apart into glucose.(动物被杀后,肝糖元分解为葡萄糖。)
Liver; hepatocyte nucleus with abundant euchromatin; prominent mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and glycogen.(肝脏,肝细胞核含大量常染色质;大量线粒体;粗面内质网;糖原。)
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