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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:50:57



英 [gɔ:dʒ]

美 [gɔ:rdʒ]




名词: gorger 过去式: gorged 过去分词: gorged 现在分词: gorging 第三人称单数: gorges

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  • 峡谷,峡,山峡
  • 咽喉
  • 咽下物,胃里的食物,吞饵
  • 作呕,厌恶
  • 暴食,大吃,贪吃,饱吃,饱食
  • 障碍物,堆积物
  • 【筑城】背面出入口
  • 使吃饱,使塞饱,填饱,使吃得过饱
  • 狼吞虎咽地吃,拼命吃, 贪婪地吞咽,吞吃,吞下,咽下
  • 阻塞,使扩张
  • 使塞足,使注满,使塞满
  • 狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,吃得直打饱嗝,使劲吸食,暴食
  • 大量地做 ...


1. the passage between the pharynx and the stomach

Synonym: esophagusoesophagusgullet

2. a narrow pass (especially one between mountains)

Synonym: defile

3. a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it)


1. overeat or eat immodestly
make a pig of oneself

e.g. She stuffed herself at the dinner
The kids binged on ice cream

Synonym: ingurgitateoverindulgeglutenglutstuffengorgeovergorgeovereatgormandizegormandisegourmandizebingepig outsatiatescarf out

1. 峡;峡谷
A gorge is a deep, narrow valley with very steep sides, usually where a river passes through mountains or an area of hard rock.

2. 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽
If you gorge on something or gorge yourself on it, you eat lots of it in a very greedy way.

e.g. I could spend each day gorging on chocolate...
e.g. ...teenagers gorging themselves on ice-cream sundaes.

1. 喉嚨:ANGINE 心绞疼 | GORGE 喉咙 | VOIX ENROUEE 声音变沙

2. gorge的意思

2. 串口:驳口 roll line | 串口 gorge | 下盘头 stand collar head

  • 经典引文

  • Robert gorged like a man driven insane by hunger.

    出自:J. Wain
  • Some men gorged while others...starved.

    出自:D. M. Frame
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It is built in a huge gorge in the Mallamala hills and is over five hundred meters long.(它建于纳拉马奈山脉一个大峡谷之上,长约500多米。)
Olduvai stone chopping tool (made 1.8 million years ago) found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa.(出土于东亚坦桑尼亚奥杜威峡谷的石制砍砸器,约制造于180万年前。)
Today, it might seem as though we have returned to the sloppiness of medieval feasting, or even Cheddar Gorge.(今天,看起来仿佛又兴起了中世纪风,甚至有的带着切达峡谷原始风味。)
A warm afternoon, the second day of spring, but the air in the gorge had become cold and damp.(本来是春天的第二天,一个温暖的下午,但是峡谷里的空气变的又冷又湿。)
Pictured here: the Swift River runs through Rocky Gorge, next to the Kancamagus Highway in New Hampshire.(图为洛基峡谷流淌着的斯威夫特河,它就在新罕布什尔州的堪卡马·格斯公路旁。)
It is an arch dam, which is perfect for that rocky, narrow gorge in which it was built.(这是一座拱坝,建于多石又狭窄的峡谷上真是恰到好处。)
Indeed, driving on the Kabul Gorge seems a uniquely Afghan experience, a complicated dance of beauty and death.(事实上,在喀布尔大峡谷公路上开车,可以被视为阿富汗人所独有的体验,一场混搭着美丽与死亡的舞蹈。)
In addition to magnificent scenery, the gorge provides a 2, 460-foot (750-meter) descent to the sea.(除了壮丽的风光外,峡谷还提供了2460英尺(750米)的通道,可以下降到海洋。)
Boss: You can go up into the mountains from here and then go down into Taroko Gorge.(老板:你们可以从这里骑上山然后下山进入太鲁阁峡谷。)
WIDE SHOT as they cross a DEEP GORGE. A waterfall shimmers.(宽镜头——在他们穿越一个大峡谷时。)
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