1. a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
Synonym: gouty arthritisurarthritis
1. (尤指发生在脚趾的)痛风
Gout is a disease which causes people's joints to swell painfully, especially in their toes.
1. 痛风症:问卷名称 - 大豆果滋棒(SOYJOY)问卷调查_(修订版)9 大豆异黄酮素(Soy isoflavones)有效改善血流量及血管弹性. 10 痛风症(Gout)病人应该注意/减少大豆的摄取量. 11 美国联邦食品暨药物管理局(FDA)建议人们应每日摄取25g大豆蛋白.
2. 痛風(病):痛风病(Gout)是一组嘌呤代谢紊乱所致的慢性代谢紊乱疾病. 主要临床特点是体内尿酸产生过多或肾脏排泄尿酸减少,引起血中尿酸升高,形成高尿酸血症以及反复发作的痛风性急性关节炎、痛风石沉积、痛风性慢性关节炎和关节畸形等.
3. gout
3. 飞花织入:harness skip跳花、跳纱 | Gout 飞花织入 | Loom fly飞花织入
Eke in foote and hand A grievous gout tormented him full sore.
出自:SpenserA round of high living at Paris..was not calculated to help the gout.
出自:H. AllenThin fingers..twisted by gout.
出自:G. HeyerFuchsia bushes which splash its white wall with blood-red gouts.
出自:Day LewisThe huge machine..belching gouts of flame from the exhausts.
出自:Clive JamesThe hail of bullets throws him backwards...Gouting blood he slides down from the tank.
出自:S. HasselMy fears returned, first gouting in my belly and then dribbling..to my brain.