英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:54:28


英 [ˈgreɪtɪŋ]

美 [ˈɡretɪŋ]




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1. optical device consisting of a surface with many parallel grooves in it
disperses a beam of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) into its wavelengths to produce its spectrum

Synonym: diffraction grating

2. a frame of iron bars to hold a fire

Synonym: grate

3. a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air

Synonym: grate


1. unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound

e.g. a gravelly voice

Synonym: gravellyraspingraspyroughscratchy

1. 栅栏;格子;格栅
A grating is a flat metal frame with rows of bars across it, which is fastened over a window or over a hole in a wall or the ground.

e.g. ...an open grating in the sidewalk.

2. (声音)刺耳的
A grating sound is harsh and unpleasant.

e.g. She recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff.

1. 光栅:即可放出雷射光. 因各振动转动能阶很密集,产生的雷射光涵盖某一范围的波长. 若在共振腔使用一光栅(grating)即可达续调变雷射光的波长. 变化不同的染料,能够产生不同波段的可调频雷射光.

2. grating的意思

2. 格栅:防护甲板的开口部位都有装甲盖板或格栅(grating)来阻挡炮弹的穿透. 而在必须保持开放的通道部分则采用了防水隔舱,由此形成一个完整的防护体系. 总的来讲,采用了穹顶的防护甲板为舰体提供了良好的防护性能并尽可能地将炮弹的穿透动能降至最低.

3. 格子板:(11) 管路穿过楼层之格子板(Grating)时,承包商须负责切割格子板成适当之形状,以运转状态下距保温外被覆材料外缘[50mm][ ]为原则,并以[厚3mm×宽100mm][ ]扁钢弯制焊装於格子板上.

4. grating是什么意思

4. 栅栏:我顺着铿锵作响的铁丝网板向前走,昏暗的灯光下活老鼠没见着,死老鼠(Rat)倒有一只,尽头透过圆形的铁栅栏(Grating)可以看到Rotmall 17月台就在下面. 死老鼠也能派上用场,我可以扔过去,太假了吧......对,我把它绑在旱冰鞋(Skate)上再推过去,

  • 经典引文

  • The only fresh air came from a window which opened up to a pavement grating.

    出自:F. Raphael
  • The first time I saw him through a grating in the door.

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Let's hope they find one that is grating without being tasteless.(希望他们能找到一把沙哑得有点味道的嗓子吧。)
Would to heaven I had got my head through the grating!(但愿我的头能先钻过铁栅栏!)
They cast bronze rings to hold the poles for the four corners of the bronze grating.(为铜网的四角铸四个环子,作为穿杠的用处。)
As the ice flows towards the coast, grating on bedrock, crevasses and new fractures form in the upper 100 feet of the ice sheet.(随着冰向海岸流动,在基岩上冲出孔洞,在冰盖上部100英尺形成冰隙和新的裂缝。)
The question now was, if he could squeeze himself through the grating, for he had never tried before.(现在的问题是,不知道他能否从铁栅栏钻出去,因为他以前从来没有试过。)
We watched locals beginning their day: some eating bowls of spicy noodles for breakfast; a vendor grating green papaya into a salad.(我们看见居民们开始新的一天:有些人吃碗麻辣面当早饭,一个小贩把木瓜拌入沙拉。)
How was he to twist himself through the grating!(他怎么能强行把自己挤压进铁栅栏呢!)
When it passes, he deftly removes the vent’s protective grating and crawls inside.(然后,他拆开了排气口的防护栅栏,爬了进去。)
Be well - Some people find this grating. Not appropriate for a business email.(有些人认为这个很好。在商业邮件中不合适。)
Then, the key technologies in the realization of the grating auto testing instrument are introduced particularly.(并详细介绍了光栅自动测试仪的软硬件实现中所用到的关键技术。)
grating是什么意思 grating在线翻译 grating什么意思 grating的意思 grating的翻译 grating的解释 grating的发音 grating的同义词