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更新时间:2025-03-17 12:18:46
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. in a grim implacable manner

e.g. he was grimly satisfied

1. 严格地:griminess 污秽 | grimly 严格地 | grimness 严格

2. 严格地/冷酷地/可怕地/绷著脸/不高兴地:grime /尘垢/煤尘/污点/使污秽/污浊/ | grimly /严格地/冷酷地/可怕地/绷著脸/不高兴地/ | grimy /污秽的/肮脏的/


3. 可怖地:grimly 可怖地 | steeply 陡峭地 | multiply 乘;使相乘

4. 恐怖地:indifferent food很一般的饭菜 | 恐怖地grimly | Grim恐怖的

  • 经典引文

  • 'I haven't any half-crowns to spare for tips', he remarked grimly.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • It was a long, long row..but he kept grimly on.

    出自:E. Ardizzone
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

RESIDENTS of Caracas, Venezuela’s crime-wracked capital, have become grimly accustomed to shootings.(住在委内瑞拉那频繁犯罪摧残的首都加拉加斯的居民,已经习惯了射击。)
"I guess she isn't coming home," he said, grimly.(“我看她是不会回家了,”他冷冷地说。)
'It won't be easy,' he said grimly.(“那不会很容易。”他严肃地说。)
"My world is not for you," he said grimly.(“我的世界不为你存在。”他说得无情。)
I laughed grimly.(我冷淡的笑起来。)
Others more grimly said they saw bodies in the streets that they could not retrieve.(其他人更冷酷地说他们看见了街上没来得及收的尸体。)
"Let's have another pot," he said, grimly.(我们再来一局,“他冷冷地说。”)
He often asked about the infant, when he saw me; and on hearing its name, smiled grimly, and observed.(当他看见我时,他常常打听这个婴儿;一听说他的名字,他就苦笑着说。)
The gaoler nodded grimly, laying his withered hand on the shoulder of the miserable Toad.(狱卒冷冷地点了点头,把他那只干瘪的手搭在可怜的托德肩上。)
Roger Chillingworth had by this time approached the window, and smiled grimly down.(罗杰·齐灵渥斯这时已走到窗前,面带狞笑地向下望着。)
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