英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:57:09



英 ['grɪzlɪ]

美 ['grɪzlɪ]



比较级: grizzlier 最高级: grizzliest 名词复数: grizzlies

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  • (头发)灰白的
  • 灰色的
  • 有灰斑的,略为灰色的
  • (北美洲)灰熊
  • 格筛

1. 灰熊;银光熊
A grizzly or a grizzly bear is a large, fierce, greyish-brown bear.

e.g. ...two grizzly bear cubs.

2. (小孩)不断啼哭的,耍脾气的
If children are grizzly, they complain or cry a lot, often because they are unwell or tired.

e.g. All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation.

3. see also: grisly

1. 格筛:grizzle 高硫低级煤 | grizzly 格筛 | grizzly bar 筛条

2. grizzly

2. 略灰色的, 呈灰色的 <单词词性>灰熊:specific resistivity 比电阻, 电阻率, 比抗性 | grizzly 略灰色的, 呈灰色的 灰熊 | isolable 可孤立的,可隔离的

3. 栅筛:grit blasting 喷丸清理 | grizzly 栅筛 | grog 熟料

4. grizzly

4. Grizzle:8、 Faux,人工的、假的 | 9、 Grizzle,灰色的,使变成灰色,grizzly,灰色的、灰熊 | 10、 Recrimination,反责,揭丑

  • 经典引文

  • He had a grizzly jagged beard of some three weeks' date.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Those would be you, a human, and a grizzly bear, the thing that's approaching you alarmingly fast.(那就是你,一个人类,以及一头灰熊,它正在以惊人的速度向你奔来。)
Grizzly bears gather at prime fishing spots during the summer, when salmon run upstream to spawn.(夏天,鲑鱼会洄游到上游去产卵,于是灰熊就在这条路线上找一个最好的位置呆着捕鱼吃。)
Back then, the grizzly bear was also a creature of the prairie, feeding on buffalo carcasses and calves.(当时活跃在草原上的还有灰熊,它们以捕食野牛尸体和小牛犊为生。)
Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park.(灰熊、狼、自由放养的美洲野牛和麋鹿群都在公园里生活着。)
We went a few steps when the grizzly looked up and spotted us.(我们刚走了几步,灰熊抬起头看见了我们。)
The grizzly bear was also a creature of the prairie, feeding on buffalo carcasses and calves.(活跃在草原上的还有灰熊,它们以捕食野牛尸体和小牛犊为生。)
A mother grizzly bear greets her cub.(灰熊母亲正招呼自己的孩子。)
Grizzly bears have found this food source and scraps between the different bears have been witnessed.(灰熊已经发现这个食物来源,这里已经发现不同的熊的足迹。)
Perhaps he'd just been watching too many Grizzly Adams episodes.(或许,他只是看多了GrizzlyAdams的剧集。)
A wet grizzly takes a break and dries off on a log.(一只灰熊趴在木头上一边休息一边晾干那已经湿透的毛。)
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