英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:01:37



英 [ˈheəpɪn]

美 [ˈherpɪn]



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1. a double pronged pin used to hold women's hair in place

1. 小发夹;小发针
A hairpin is a small piece of metal or plastic bent back on itself which someone uses to hold their hair in position.


2. 同 hairpin bend
A hairpin is the same as a hairpin bend .

1. 发夹:coli,各种与修复有关的基因,组成一个称为调节子(regulon)的网络式调控系统.原核生物一个转录区段可视为一个转录单位,称为操纵子(operon),包括若干个结构基因及其上游(upstream)的调控序列.茎环(stem-loop)/发夹(hairpin)结构2.

2. 发卡:SELEX技术之所以能够建立,是由于形成寡核苷酸的碱基之间的相互作用往往形成许多空间结构,如发卡(hairpin)、假结(pseudoknot)或凸环(bulge)等,这些结构非常容易与各类靶分子结合.

3. hairpin的反义词

3. 簪子:王母出于愤怒,用簪子(hairpin)在天空划出(scratch)一条宽阔的河流,把他俩永远分隔开. 这就是银河的由来. 从此以后,织女在河边的织布机(loom)上织布,而牛郎只能在远处带着孩子看着爱人. 每年七月初七,喜鹊(magpie)出于同情,

4. 发夹弯:发夹弯(Hairpin)是指在其来的方向回发一个呼叫. 例如,在一个VOIP网络中,如果一个呼叫不能被路由通过IP到达一个接近目标电话机的网关,这个呼叫将被发送回本地区域,回送到它到来的方向. 在网络和电讯的语境中,

  • 经典引文

  • Maybe someone should give the old hairpin a bit of a fright.

    出自:J. O
The gate hairpin comes in the shapes of squares, rectangles, diamonds, hexagons, octagons, and etc.(门簪有方形、长方形、菱形、六角形、八角形等样式。)
Du Du was in his usual spot: the middle of Borgela and Sans-Fil Streets, a hilly hairpin intersection between downtown and the airport.(杜杜正在他常去的地方:博吉拉和桑菲尔街的中间,位于市中心和机场之间的丘陵发夹带的交叉口。)
To make use of the MMPs, Dr. Tsien attaches his fluorescent dye, along with some positive charges, to one side of a small hairpin-shaped protein molecule.(为了利用这种基质金属蛋白酶,钱博士将他的荧光染料和一些正电荷一同连接在一个小的发夹形状的蛋白质分子的一端。)
The hairpin is probably one of the most exciting parts of the track as the fans that base themselves there are great.(发卡弯也许是这条赛道种最让人兴奋的部分,车迷们在这看会很过瘾。)
I thought for a long time, finally bought this hairpin.(我考虑了很久,最后还是买下了这个发夹。)
It looks very nice when she wears the half-moon hairpin in her hair.(这个半月形的发卡戴在她的头发上真好看。)
The roads twist around hairpin bends.(那些道路有很多险弯。)
Can you hand me the hairpin?(你能把发夹拿给我吗?)
Hairpin followed hairpin, rainforest gave way to pine.(经过一个接一个的U形弯道,松树林取代了雨林。)
The road immediately climbed steeply in a series of hairpin turns.(在一连串的发卡型弯道上,路一下子变得非常陡峭。)
hairpin是什么意思 hairpin在线翻译 hairpin什么意思 hairpin的意思 hairpin的翻译 hairpin的解释 hairpin的发音 hairpin的同义词