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更新时间:2025-03-03 12:18:43

half brother

英 [hɑ:f ˈbrʌðə]

美 [hæf ˈbrʌðɚ]


  • 英英释义


1. a brother who has only one parent in common with you

Synonym: stepbrotherhalf-brother

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

With his half brother steadying him, he began to tread the sandy footpaths of his youth, this time wearing a pair of $135 Air Jordans.(在同父异母的哥哥的搀扶下,他开始踏上少年时代的沙地,这一次他穿了一双价值135美元的飞人乔丹鞋。)
Mike is my mum's son from her first family, so he is my half brother.(麦克是我妈妈第一次婚姻生的儿子,他是我同母异父的哥哥。)
The rest had been selflessly distributed to his wife, six children, half-brother and grandsons in the form of licences and monopolies, usually handed out for nothing.(其它的都以特许经营和垄断的形式,分给了他的妻子、6个孩子、同父异母的兄弟和孙子,通常都是免费给他们的。)
Malik Obama: Age 50. Malik met his half-brother Barack in 1985.(马利克·奥巴马:50岁,他和他的兄弟巴拉克在1985年见过面。)
Therefore, when he was 12, Benjamin was sent to assist his half-brother James who had a printing shop.(因此,12岁那年,本杰明就被送到同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯的印刷店工作。)
When, 18 years later, Lysimachus died, she married her half-brother, Ptolemy Keraunus.(18岁时,莱西马库斯去世,她改嫁给了同父异母的兄弟托勒密·克劳努斯。)
The finished product is a convoluted plot involving a boy (Fred Savage) who kidnaps his disabled half-brother and travels cross-country with him, Rainman-style.(这部作品情节很绕,大概是说一个男孩子绑架了他同父异母(同母异父)的弟弟,和他周游世界,有点《雨人》的味道。结果他发现这个弟弟在玩任天堂游戏上有着过人的天赋。)
After talking to him for a while, he tells his daughter she can't do it because he's her half brother.(经过一番交谈,他告诉女儿她不能和他结婚,因为这是他同父异母的兄弟。)
Sylvie put down the novel she was reading and gathered her six-year-old half brother onto her lap.(西尔维放下正在读的小说,把她同父异母的六岁弟弟抱到自己的大腿上。)
There are few buses, and Mr. Khan and his half brother, Gatluak, spent two days trying to find a car to hire.(这里几乎没有公交车,可汉和他的哥哥盖特华特,花了两天时间才租到车。)
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