英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:02:12



英 [həˌlu:sɪˈneɪʃn]

美 [həˌlusəˈneʃən]


形容词: hallucinational

  • 详情解释

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  • 幻觉,错觉
  • 妄想,幻想
  • 幻视
  • 幻听
  • 幻视到的东西,幻象


1. an object perceived during a hallucinatory episode

e.g. he refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination

2. a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea

e.g. he has delusions of competence
his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination

Synonym: delusion

3. illusory perception
a common symptom of severe mental disorder

1. (因生病或吸毒所致的)幻觉(体验)
A hallucination is the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug.

e.g. The drug induces hallucinations at high doses...
e.g. Hallucination is common in patients who have suffered damage to the brain.

2. (因生病或吸毒所见到的)幻象
A hallucination is something that is not real that someone sees because they are ill or have taken a drug.

e.g. Perhaps the footprint was a hallucination.


1. 分身:圣堂武士(Templar):施法单位,可以施展心灵风暴(Psionic Storm)(在指定区域制造一阵电击风暴,可以轻松杀死一群兵队)、幻象分身(Hallucination)(产生与指定目标相同的两个分身,分身特别容易受伤),可以研发凯达林护符(Khaydarin Amulet)来增加其能量值,

2. hallucination的解释

2. 产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象:PsionicStorm=迷幻风暴 | Hallucination=产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象 | Recall=时空门

3. 幻象(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象):Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴 | Hallucination =幻象(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象) | Recall =召唤部队

  • 经典引文

  • Had her distracted mind produced an hallucination?

    出自:F. King
The light is still sombrous and the trees still joggle as before. It ofen gives me some hallucination.(那灯光依然昏暗的小路,那群树依然摇曳的小路,好像从来没有变过。)
Abulia, affective flattening, delusion and hallucination were their most common symptoms.(多见的症状是意志减退,情感淡漠,妄想和幻觉。)
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.(幻觉不是你的错,在幻觉中做决定,这就是你的不对了。)
Then the author differentiates impossibility and superstition, hallucination, factual deficiency.(接着又区分了不能犯与迷信犯、幻觉犯及事实欠缺。)
There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination .(你当时有一种幻觉,以为看到了一张照片。)
Conclusion the 18 traits of hallucination can be understanded in 4 aspects, the front 3 aspects was important.(结论幻觉的18类属性可以从4个方面来认识,其中前3类可能是最主要的。)
If we have not yet mature enough to enjoy the solitude, then this love is also a hallucination.(如果我们还没有成熟到能够享受孤独,那么,这样的爱情也不过是一种幻觉。)
Hallucination? Maybe. It was nonetheless welcome.(幻觉?或许吧。虽然如此这也很受欢迎。)
The deiform Paramitality is the fairyland governed by the hallucination and inscribed in the nihility.(庄严上界的彼岸性是被幻觉所支配、铭刻在没有实体的虚无上的幻境。)
If it is sleeping quietly next to him he can conclude that the voices talking to him are a hallucination not the real thing.(如果它正趴在主人旁边安静地睡觉,他就能断定朝自己说坏话的声音不过是幻觉,真实世界中并不存在。)
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