英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 17:52:45

hammer away at

英 [ˈhæmə əˈwei æt]

美 [ˈhæmɚ əˈwe æt]


  • 网络解释

1. hammer away at的反义词

1. 一再强调:hammer and tongs 全力以赴地 | hammer away at 一再强调 | handicap n.障碍,不利条件;缺陷

2. hammer away at的意思

2. 努力做:2270hammern. 锤,榔头; v. 锤击,敲打 | 2271hammer away at努力做 | 2272hammer outv.推敲

Trembling with fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel 5, chipping away at one of the headstones.(正当两人害怕得浑身颤抖时,他们看到是个老头拿着铁锤和凿子,在一块墓石上凿着什么。)
Scenario: The hot new application you have deployed on GlassFish is expected to garner multitude of users who are going to hammer away at your application.(场景:当希望你在GlassFish上所部署的应用能够留住大量的用户,并经得起他们的考验。你打算从哪开始优化你的应用程序的性能?)
If you hammer away at finishing these letters, you can just get them ready in time for the post.(要是你加紧把这些信写完,你就正好能及时把它们寄出去。)
That lesson is not easy, but hammer away at it and you will get it right.(那课书不容易,但只要你坚持学,你是会学好的。)
We shall hammer away at this problem till we get a solution.(我们将努力研究这个问题,直到找出一个解决办法。)
Millions were spent to hammer away at the sales resistance of voters.(花费数百万元以消除选民的反感。)
Each of you hires a lawyer and lets them hammer away at each other on your nickel.(每个人聘请一名律师,让他们帮你们打点财务。)
He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.(他用锤子和凿子将墙壁一点点凿掉。)
He was chipping away at the rock with a hammer.(他在用铁锤把那块岩石一小块一小块地敲下来。)
hammer away at是什么意思 hammer away at在线翻译 hammer away at什么意思 hammer away at的意思 hammer away at的翻译 hammer away at的解释 hammer away at的发音 hammer away at的同义词