英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:07:47



英 [ˈheɪvn]

美 [ˈhevən]


v.安置 ... 于港中;庇护

过去式: havened 过去分词: havened 现在分词: havening 第三人称单数: havens

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • [C]港口;安全地方 harbour;place of safety or rest


1. a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary

Synonym: oasis

2. a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo

Synonym: seaportharborharbour

1. 安全处所;庇护所;避难所
A haven is a place where people or animals feel safe, secure, and happy.


e.g. It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.
e.g. ...Lake Baringo, a freshwater haven for a mixed variety of birds.

1. 天堂:亲凡妮莎蕾格烈芙以及梅莉史翠普合演的夜恋(Evening)、异国情缘(TheWhiteCountess)、两对冤家一张床(WakingUpinReno)、与珍妮佛罗培兹合作的女佣变凤凰(MaidInManhattan)、大放异彩(BlowDry)、浩劫天堂(Haven)以及演出琳赛罗涵母

2. haven是什么意思

2. 海文:<>(Hawk&Fisher)则是两人来到罪恶之城<>(Haven)担任警卫队长的故事,共有六本. 本系列最特出之处在于结合剑与魔法和推理,独眼霍克擅使战斧,费雪则手持长剑,两人不畏强权及恶势力,与海文城中一切的犯罪、贪污、腐败和超自然邪魔对抗.

3. haven

3. 第二天堂:林 14 假面的告白 蔡依林 15 骑士精神 蔡依林 16 海盗 蔡依林 17 独占神话 蔡依林 18 感动天感动地 宇桐非 19 风云决 任贤齐 20 醉赤壁 林俊杰 21 杀手 林俊杰 22 曹操 林俊杰 23 就是我 林俊杰 24 第二天堂 (Haven) 林俊杰

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • All the boats were in the haven at night.
  • The church was a quiet haven amidst the noise and bustle of the streets outside.
  • The terrorists feel they have a safe haven from which to operate.
  • For wandering sailors a safe haven was bound to be the crucial magnet of their lives.

    出自:N. Monsarrat
  • Blissfully haven'd both from joy and pain.

  • 词义讲解

haven, harbour, port
  • 这三个词都有“港”“港口”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.harbour可指“天然港”,又可指“人工港”,强调为避风而有山或防波堤; port通常指“人工港”,不仅有港口设备,而且背靠城市,即“港市”; haven主要指为船只提供安全的地方,是船只的“避风港”“锚泊地”。例如:
  • It is a natural harbour.这是一个天然港。
  • The disabled ship was towed into haven.那艘失去战斗力的军舰被拖进了港湾。
  • 2.harbour在专有名词中常后置; port在专有名词中常前置。例如:
  • The ship entered Port Qinhuangdao at dawn.这艘船在黎明时驶入秦皇岛港。
  • The ship is now in Yantai Harbour.这艘船现在停泊在烟台港。
  • 3.harbour和haven都可用于比喻中,指“避难所”或“安全地方”; port无此义。例如:
  • My home is my harbour.家是我的避难所。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    I haven 't completed the tests yet.(我还没完成测试。)
    I see libraries as a safe haven for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book.(我认为图书馆是读者和作家的避风港,是帮助把读者和书联系在一起的桥梁。)
    To their haven under the hill;(驶往小山下面的避风港;)
    The river banks are a haven for wildlife.(河的两岸是野生动物的自然栖息地。)
    If you haven \ 't made the switch, do it today!(如果你没有转换过来,那么今天就改变吧。)
    Perhaps in the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization, a young person's family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap.(也许在面对没有人情味且令人生畏的全球化问题时,年轻人的家庭感觉更像是一个友好的避风港,而不是一个受压迫的陷阱。)
    He's curator at a gallery in New Haven.(他是纽黑文市一家美术馆的馆长。)
    The gigantic natural harbour is a haven for boats.(这个巨大的天然港是船舶的避风港。)
    The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city.(那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静安谧的好去处。)
    Make your bedroom a haven for sleep.(把你的卧室变成睡眠天堂。)
    haven是什么意思 haven在线翻译 haven什么意思 haven的意思 haven的翻译 haven的解释 haven的发音 haven的同义词