英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:08:54



英 [ˈhedset]

美 [ˈhɛdˌsɛt]



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  • 耳机
  • 头戴式受话器,头戴式送受话器
  • 双耳式耳机
  • 戴在头上的耳机或听筒
  • 听筒


1. receiver consisting of a pair of headphones

1. (头戴式)耳机,耳麦
A headset is a small pair of headphones that you can use for listening to a radio or recorded music, or for using a telephone.


2. 头戴式视图器
A headset is a piece of equipment that you wear on your head so you can see computer images or images from a camera in front of your eyes.

e.g. Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be 'present' at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.

1. 车头碗组:选择好了车架之后, 同时必须留意下面三项规格: 车头碗组(Headset)直径, 座管(Seatpost)的直径, 以及BB碗组(Bottom Bracket)的直径和螺纹规格. 购买这三项零件的时候必须参照车架的规格去选购喔!前叉会随著车架一起附上,

2. 耳机:现在这里面有很多很多的选项,正常(normal)指的是手机扬声器发声时的设置,耳机(headset)就是调耳机的拉~


3. 碗组:此外值得注意的是前叉的两种设计, 不同的设计会影响到下面车头碗组(Headset)与立管(Stem)的选购. 前叉分为螺纹式(Threaded)与非螺纹式(Threadless)两种:两种不同的设计会影响到单车最后的外型, 这个部份也可以稍微当作选购时的参考,

4. 头戴式送受话器:模的头戴式送受话器(headset)的造型第二章 灵活运用控制工具(Navigation)的PDA造型第七章 说明图版(Presentation Board)造型第四章 多边形建模方式(Polygon)创建轮辐与轮胎造型本书通过大量成熟的产品造型实例帮助读者提高应用3ds max进行商业化设计的能力,

Buy a headset for a few bucks and download Audacity for free to make high-quality audio files.(花几元钱买个麦克风,并在网上下载免费的音频编辑器,做一份高质量的音频文件。)
Whenever possible, use the speaker-phone mode or a wired headset (not a Bluetooth).(有可能的话,通话时尽量使用免提扬声模式或有线耳机(不是蓝牙)。)
Or one guy who was prepared for his viewing with his Bluetooth (headset) in his ear.(或是一个小伙准备死后仍能查看耳中的头带式蓝牙。)
Make sure you turn the headset away when you need to cough.(当你要咳嗽时一定要把话筒移开。)
Therefore, you must put the headset in a discover mode (by pressing a button on the headset).(因此,您必须将耳机置于发现模式(通过按下耳机上的一个按钮)。)
Emotiv recently unveiled a prototype headset that has a mere 18 electrodes.(Emotiv最近展示了一款仅仅拥有18个电极的头盔模型。)
During the race Mr. Taylor talks to the driver using a headset.(在比赛中,泰勒先生用耳麦与车手通话。)
Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.(要不了多久,头戴虚拟现实视图器的人将能够“现场观看”几千英里之外举行的体育赛事或剧场演出。)
I wore a headset while listening to REALLY loud music.(于是乎,我带上耳机一边听音乐,音量调到最大,一边干活。)
Soon you can dial up your friend just using a headset. The rest of the phone can be on your belt.(很快你就能只用头戴设备跟你的朋友联系了,而电话的其他设备可以挎在腰带上。)
headset是什么意思 headset在线翻译 headset什么意思 headset的意思 headset的翻译 headset的解释 headset的发音 headset的同义词