英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:23:55
  • 英英释义

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1. partial or complete loss of hearing

Synonym: deafness

1. 听力损失:一般将听力损失(hearing loss)统称为耳聋(deafness),过去习惯将听力损失较轻者称为如药物中毒性聋即属于此,常有重振现象;病变位于听神经及其传导径路者称神经性聋(蜗后性聋),听神经瘤所致之耳聋属此类,其特点为语言识别率明显下降,

2. 听力丧失:周边神经疾病的眩晕症发作起来,常伴随有耳鸣(tinnitus)、听力丧失(hearing loss)、眼球振颤(nystagmus)呈现特有的周边形式. 中枢神经疾病的眩晕症,其眼球振颤呈现特定的脑干形式. 整理如下:


3. 耳聋:耳聋及其防治 耳聋(hearing loss)是听觉传导通路发生器质性或功能性病变导致不同程度听力损害(hearing impairment)的总称,全世界7%~10%有耳聋. [耳聋分类] 传音性,感音性,神经性,

4. 聋:[耳聋分类] 传音性,感音性,神经性,混合性.[耳聋分级]WHO标准: 轻度聋:听力损失26~40dB 中度聋: 41~55dB 中重度聋: 56~70dB耳聋及防治耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科一,耳聋(hearing loss)是听觉传导通路发生器质性或功能性病变导致不同程度听力

Researchers have found evidence to add hearing loss to secondhand smoke's growing list of negative health effects.(研究人员已有证据证明二手烟对健康的不良影响又新增一项损害听力。)
This is what causes hearing loss.(这就是导致听力丧失的原因。)
The health effects of mercury poisoning include central nervous system damage, hearing loss and vision problems.(汞中毒对健康的影响包括中枢神经系统损害、听力损失和视力问题。)
Also known as vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma is an uncommon cause of hearing loss.(听神经瘤也称为前庭神经鞘瘤,是导致听觉丧失的并不常见的原因。)
Bacterial meningitis may result in brain damage, hearing loss or a learning disability in 10% to 20% of survivors.(细菌性脑膜炎可能会对10%至20%的幸存者造成脑损伤、听力损失或学习障碍。)
The 110-decibel level of piling risks perforation of the eardrum, which leads to hearing loss.(打桩作业带来的110分贝噪音有可能导致鼓膜穿孔,后果会导致失聪。)
Old age brings with it a host of physical woes, and among the most common is hearing loss.(年龄会带来很多健康困扰,而其中最普遍的就是听力衰退。)
The pressure on the nerve from the tumor may cause hearing loss and imbalance.(该肿瘤对该神经的压迫可导致听觉丧失和平衡能力减弱。)
I have profound hearing loss; in fact, I am almost deaf and wear hearing AIDS.(我听觉不好,事实上,我几乎就是个聋子,我得靠助听器才能听到别人讲的话。)
There are about 350 million people all over the world that suffer from disabling hearing loss.(全球听力受损的人,约有三亿五千万。)
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