英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:35:17


英 [ˌhi:mə'təʊmə]

美 [ˌhi:mə'toʊmə]


名词复数: hematomas

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1. a localized swelling filled with blood

Synonym: haematoma

1. 血肿:临床症状突然加重,淋巴管瘤内的出血,周围衬有内皮细胞(淋巴管管壁)名为血囊肿(blood cyst)或称陈旧的出血,名为巧克力囊肿;而一般软组织内出血,周围为纤维组织构成的假囊膜,缺乏内皮或上皮细胞衬里名为血肿(hematoma),淋巴管瘤电镜观察,

2. hematoma

2. 椎间盘突出:言语困难 EDH Epidural Hemorrhage | Epilepsy 癫痫 HIVD Herniated intervertebral disc | 椎间盘突出 Hematoma

3. 血肿 (名):hematolysis 血球溶解; 溶血 (名) | hematoma 血肿 (名) | hematometer 血球计; 血压计 (名)

That head bump is now blamed for triggering the hematoma.(那次头部碰撞现在成了引发血肿的主因。)
Kidney surrounding hematoma or hematoma in pelvis area needs no immediate operation.(肾周血肿或仅为骨盆区血肿则无需立即手术。)
Conclusion Acute traumatic intracranial hematoma must be have relation with age, GCS scores, size and type of hematoma and pupillary change.(结论急性创伤性颅内血肿的预后与病人年龄、GCS评分、血肿大小及类型、瞳孔改变等相关。)
Hematoma: a collection of blood, usually clotted, in an organ or tissue.(血肿:收集的血液,通常是凝结在一个器官或组织。)
Objective: to discuss the ct characteristics, symptoms and appearing period of traumatic delayed intracerebral hematoma.(目的:探讨外伤性迟发性脑内血肿的CT特点、指征及出现时间。)
Retrobulbar hematoma results from facial trauma, a complication of orbital surgery, or retrobulbar injection.(球后血肿可由面部创伤,眼眶手术,或球后注射造成。)
Objective: to investigate the diagnosis and treatment of bilateral chronic subdural hematoma.(目的:探讨双侧慢性硬膜下血肿的诊断和治疗。)
Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter?(腰椎术后硬膜外血肿:大小很重要吗?)
Objective to investigate the clinical effects on the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic delayed intracranial hematoma.(目的探讨创伤性、迟发性颅内血肿的早期诊断和治疗的临床效果。)
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral vascular malformation presenting a chronic intracerebral hematoma.(表现为慢性脑内血肿的脑血管畸形诊断与治疗。)
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