英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:29:53



英 [ˈherətɪk]

美 [ˈhɛrɪtɪk]



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  • 异教徒
  • 持异端邪说者
  • 持非正统见解的人
  • 信奉邪说的人
  • 犯异端罪者
  • 离经叛道者
  • 异端者
  • 信奉左道邪说者
  • 异端的
  • 异教的(=heretical)



1. a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church

Synonym: misbelieverreligious outcast

2. a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion)

1. (与大多数人观点不合的)异端分子
A heretic is someone whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted.

e.g. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.

2. (与所属宗教之教义严重不合的)异教徒;离经叛道者
A heretic is a person who belongs to a particular religion, but whose beliefs or actions seriously disagree with the principles of that religion.


e.g. Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake.

1. 异端:这本书里有三个关键词,部落(tribe),领袖(leader),& 异端(heretic) 在解释什么是部落之前,先说一下组织(organization)--我们生活中最常见的一种东西. 组织是一种命令式的自上而下的架构,在一个组织中,你选择服从,或者失去你的工作,

2. 异教徒, 异端者:glorification 赞颂;光荣,荣耀 | heretic 异教徒,异端者 | effluent 放出物,流出物;放出的,流出的

3. 异教者/异端者/异教徒:heresy /异教/异端/异论/妖言/ | heretic /异教者/异端者/异教徒/ | heretical /异教的/异端的/

  • 经典引文

  • The northern heretics were insulting the Virgin, desecrating her sanctuaries.

    出自:K. Clark
The heretic, the enemy of society, will always be there, so that he can be defeated and humiliated over again.(异端分子、社会公敌永远在那里,可以一而再再而三地打败他们,羞辱他们。)
Death to the heretic Bernardo Guardi. - No!(判处异端贝纳多·瓜尔迪死刑-不!)
You can be a heretic in the truth if you accept a belief, however true that belief turns out to be at the end of time, when we enter the pearly gates and we finally get the last word.(如果你接受了一个信念,你就会变成异教徒,不管这个信念最后被证明是多么正确,当我们进入珍珠装饰的真理之门,最后得到了定论。)
The identity of King Tut's father has long been a mystery. One candidate is the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten, who abandoned the gods of the state to worship a single deity.(图坦卡蒙父亲的身份一直是个谜,最有可能的便是这位异端法老阿赫那吞,他废除了国家的诸神,开始敬奉单神。)
A genius is doomed to misfortunes: he is rejected by contemporaries as a heretic and rejected by posterity for his limitations.(天才的命运注定是不幸的:当代人批判他的异端;后代人批判他的局限。)
He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.(他被视为一位异端分子,因其思想而遭到嘲笑和排斥。)
Call me a heretic all you want, but there's a reason why most punk bands worth their salt eventually change and grow.(如果你想的话,叫我伪朋克好了。不过,肯定有理由可以解释为什么那么多纯朋克乐队最后不是转型就是成长为另外一种风格。)
Do you realise Guardi is a heretic?(你知道瓜尔迪是异端分子吗?)
heretic是什么意思 heretic在线翻译 heretic什么意思 heretic的意思 heretic的翻译 heretic的解释 heretic的发音 heretic的同义词